A.   No person holding a license issued pursuant to this chapter shall in the conduct of the licensed business or upon the licensed premises:
      1.   Violate any federal law or state statute, including, but not limited to, state statutes pertaining to alcoholic liquors, sanitation and smoking.
      2.   Suffer or permit a violation of any federal law or law of the state of Illinois, or of any rule of the Illinois liquor control commission, including, but not limited to, statutes pertaining to alcoholic liquors, sanitation and smoking.
      3.   Suffer or permit a violation of this code or of any building or other code adopted pursuant to this code.
      4.   Violate any county ordinance, resolution or regulations pertaining to sanitation or food handling.
   B.   Violations may be proved by evidence that the licensee has been convicted of a violation of a federal law or a law of the state of Illinois in the conduct of the licensed business or upon the premises, or has been found guilty by the appropriate administrative agency of violating state statutes or regulations.
   C.   Proof before of facts which establish a violation of any federal law, state statute, or village or county ordinance or resolution or rule, shall be sufficient cause for imposing a fine, revocation or suspension of license issued pursuant to this chapter, irrespective of whether or not a conviction has been obtained in any court. (Ord. 10-11, 4-12-2010)