(A) Order of business. Order of business will be as follows:
(1) Roll call to determine presence of a quorum;
(2) Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting unless such reading shall be dispensed with by consent of two-thirds of members;
(3) Legislation having been filed with the Clerk not later than 4:00 p.m. on the municipal working day next preceding the meeting day;
(4) Call of the members in numerical order that each may present petitions or communications, or offer original motions, orders, ordinances or resolutions. There shall be no interruption of business under this call. All such petitions, communications, motions, ordinances and resolutions shall be filed with the Clerk not later than 4:00 p.m. on the municipal working day next preceding the meeting day, shall be the duty of the Clerk to include the same in the agenda of the said meeting day, in their order upon the call. Matters not filed with the Clerk and introduced upon said call shall not be read or referred to, but shall be held over until the next meeting, to be placed on the agenda and taken up on the regular call of the members, unless leave for immediate consideration be granted by a majority vote of the members present;
(5) Second reading of ordinances and resolutions;
(6) Third reading of ordinances and resolutions;
(7) Reports of Committee of the Whole;
(8) Reports of standing committees;
(9) Reports of special committees; and
(10) Upon motion of any Councilperson, the order of business at any meeting may be altered by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present.
(B) Old business. Following roll call and reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting or waiver thereof, the business of regular meetings shall commence at the point where the order of business at the preceding meeting was interrupted by the adjournment, unless the order of business is altered as provided in special meetings. The purpose named in the call shall have precedence over any other business.
(Ord. 1142-00, passed 1-2-2001)