(A)   Commencing February 1, 2021, and each year thereafter, the Village Administrator shall be and hereby is authorized to incorporate an annual rate increase in an amount not to exceed 5% for the rates provided for in Exhibit #1 entitled “Residential Water Service Schedule #1 “RWS”“ for residential, nonresidential and commercial water service customers located inside the village limits and Exhibit #2 entitled “Nonresidential and Commercial Water Service Schedule #2 “CWS”“ for residential, nonresidential and commercial water service customers located outside the village limits.
   (B)   The applicable rates, charges, general rules and regulations set forth in said rate increase are effective on the April 1, 2021 billing and are identified as follows: Exhibit #1 entitled “Residential Water Service Schedule #1 “RWS”“ and Exhibit #2 entitled “Nonresidential and Commercial Water Service Schedule #2 “CWS”“.
   (C)   Said attached rates, charges, general rules and regulations and related matters shall, when placed into effect and provided herein, supersede all existing rate charges by law regulation, related to the matters covered by the regulations.
   (D)   The Administrator shall place in effect the attached rates, charges, rules and regulations and related matters at the earliest practical date following the effective date of this section as provided by law, taking into consideration the billing changes and other related matters involved, and this section shall take effect and be enforced from and after the earliest period allowed by law.
   (E)   Schedule No. 1:
Availability and Applicability:
      (1)   This schedule is only available for strictly residential service supplied to individual residences, apartments, mobile homes or other dwelling units served through a single meter. Where the service is used for other than strictly residential purposes, the village’s nonresidential rate shall apply. See elsewhere as to “Billing for Multiple Dwelling Units”.
      (2)   The furnishing and utilization of water service and the availability of new water connections outside village limits, including extensions or enlargements shall conform to village’s water main extension policy and general rules and regulations, which are a part of the schedule as it is fully written herein.
Net Rate per Month or Part Thereof per Service: The new billing shall be the sum of the charges set forth under (1) and (2) below. If meters are read bi-monthly, the rate blocks and applicable capacity charge set forth below shall be multiplied by two.
      (1)   A Monthly Commodity Charge: To be computed as follows:
Minimum Charge per Month or Part Thereof
Gallons of Water Used per Month
Inside Corporation Limits
Outside Corporation Limits
First 2,000 gallons
@$9.75 per 1,000 gallons
@ $24.38 per 1,000 gallons
Over 2,000 gallons
@$9.75 per 1,000 gallons
@ $24.38 per 1,000 gallons
      (2)   A Monthly Capacity Charge:
Capacity of Service
Inside Corporation Limits
Outside Corporation Limits
0.75 or less
1.00 in.
1.50 in.
Capacity of Service:
      (1)   The capacity of service shall be the nominal inside diameter in inches of the service line extending from village’s main to consumer’s meter. Where the service line is larger than one and one- half inches nominal diameter, the nonresidential rate shall apply. Pursuant to Ord. 931-86, the capacity charge may be based on the meter size.
      (2)   When a meter size is changed, the capacity charge is based on the meter size, the capacity charge should be based on the size of the new meter for a period of at least one year from date of change. If a property owner requests a meter change to a larger size, he or she pays the entire cost of the smaller meter and is not reimbursed the cost of the larger meter. In either case, the meter removed remains the property of the village. This is pursuant to Ord. 931-86.
Billing for Multiple Dwelling Units:
      (1)   The foregoing rates are based upon a single meter and service supplying not more than a single dwelling unit, consisting of an individual house, apartment, living quarters or mobile home.
      (2)   Where a single metered service supplies more than a single dwelling unit or living quarters, there shall be added to the billing under the foregoing rates and charges, an additional monthly charge of $9.75 inside and $24.38 outside village limits for each additional dwelling unit or living quarters served through a single meter, up to a maximum of four units.
      (3)   Where more than four dwelling units or apartments, mobile homes or other living quarters are served through one meter, Schedule “CWS” shall apply. All future multiple dwelling units or apartments that are not individually metered and plumbed shall likewise be billed under Schedule “CWS”.
Metering for Sewage Billing Purposes: See Sewage Service Schedule “RSS”.
Minimum Charge per Month or Part of Thereof:
      (1)   After service has been established, the total billing for each month or part thereof shall thereafter be the sum of the foregoing charges (A) (2,000 gallon minimum) and (B) but in no event shall the billing per month be less than the following:
Minimum Charge per Month or Part Thereof
Service Line Size
Inside Corporation Limits
Outside Corporation Limits
0.75 in.
1.00 in.
1.50 in.
      (2)   If more than one dwelling unit is supplied through one meter, the applicable minimum charge shall be multiplied by the number of dwelling units involved. If billed bi-monthly, the applicable minimum charge shall be multiplied by two.
Terms of Payment: The foregoing rates and charges are net and reflect the discount applicable from the gross rates, if all accounts are paid on or before the date specified on the bill. If all accounts are not so paid, the gross rates and charges shall apply, which are 10% but not less than $1 higher than the foregoing net rates.
Deposit and Responsibility for Payment of Bills:
      (1)   For all water service furnished within the corporation limits of the village, the current property owner of record of the premises to which water service was supplied - irrespective of who incurred such unpaid bills, or when such bills were incurred, or who owned or occupied the property at the time the bills were incurred - is responsible. Further reference as to liability as to payment of bills, see the village’s general rules and regulations.
      (2)   Without relieving the property owner of the responsibility for payment of all water bills for service furnished within the corporation limits, the village reserves the right to require a suitable deposit to secure payment of water bills as set forth in the village’s general rules and regulations.
Interconnections with Village’s Water System Are Prohibited:
      (1)   In order to prevent contamination of village’s water supply and resultant hazards to health, the village will, under no conditions, allow the installation of any equipment or device that would enable a cross connection to be made (either temporary or permanent) between village’s water supply and any other source of supply or drainage; nor will the village permit the installation of any piping, equipment or device that could cause back siphoning or other conditions that could cause contamination of village’s water supply.
      (2)   The village shall have the right at all times to inspect at any reasonable hour, the consumer’s piping system and/or equipment to make certain that this regulation is being complied with. When any such cross connections or hazardous equipment installations exist, the village reserves the right to immediately shut off without notice, its water service to consumer involved. In such an event, water service will not be re-established until the condition is corrected at owner’s expense, to village’s satisfaction.
Water Service and Tap Charge: The initial establishment of water service is subject to village’s applicable water and tap charges and other conditions as set forth in the village’s general rules and regulations on file at its Water Department Office.
Other Provisions and Conditions: See the village’s general rules and regulations as to other provisions and conditions pertaining to application and furnishing of service.
Sub Metering Prohibited: No consumer shall submeter or resell water service to others. Any violation of this provision shall subject all water service to the premises to be disconnected until the violation is corrected to the satisfaction of the village.
   (F)   Schedule No. 2:
Availability and Applicability:
      (1)   This schedule is applicable for all service that is not strictly residential in character, including residences where the service line is larger than one and one-half inches nominal inside diameter; also, commercial and business establishments, industrial and processing plants, apartment houses, offices, restaurants, clubs, lodges, theaters, rest homes, hospitals, schools, churches, motels, hotels, multiple trailer courts, tourist homes and all other water service that is nonresidential in character.
      (2)   The furnishing and utilization of water service and the availability of new water connections outside village limits, including systems extensions or enlargements and the financing of same, shall conform to the village’s water main extension policy and its general rules and regulations, which are a part of this schedule as if fully written herein.
Net Rate per Month or Part Thereof per Service: The net billing shall be the sum of the charges set forth under (1) and (2) below. If meters are read bi-monthly, the rate blocks and applicable capacity and minimum charges set forth below shall be multiplied by two.
      (1)   A Monthly Commodity Charge: To be computed as follows:
Quantity of Water Used Per Month
Inside Corporation Limits
Outside Corporation Limits
First 10,000 gallons
@ $12.68 per 1,000 gallons
@ $31.70 per 1,000 gallons
Over 10,000 gallons
@$9.75 per 1,000 gallons
@ $24.38 per 1,000 gallons
      (2)   A Monthly System Capacity Charge:
Capacity of Service
Capacity Charge
Capacity of Service
Capacity Charge
0.75 in. or less
1.00 in.
1.25 in.
1.50 in.
2.00 in.
2.50 in.
3.00 in.
4.00 in.
6.00 in.
8.00 in.
Determination of Capacity of Service:
      (1)   The capacity of service shall be determined by the village and shall normally be equal to the nominal inside diameter in inches of the service line extending from the tap on village’s main to consumer’s meter. Pursuant to Ord. 931 -86, the capacity charge may be based on the meter size.
      (2)   For service to schools, churches, hospitals, charitable institutions and tax supported public buildings within village’s corporation limits, the capacity charge shall be based on 50% of the service line nominal inside diameter but not less than $94.27. This charge may also be based on the meter size pursuant to Ord. 931 -86.
      (3)   When a meter size is changed and the capacity charge is based on the meter size, the capacity charge should be based on the size of the new meter for a period of at least one year from the date of the change. If a property owner requests a meter change to a larger size, he or she pays only the difference of the smaller meter to the larger meter.
      (4)   If the property owner requests a smaller size meter, he or she pays for the entire cost of the smaller meter and is not reimbursed the cost of the larger meter. In either case, the meter removed remains the property of the village. This is pursuant to Ord. 931-86. The billing as determined above, shall be subject to the applicable minimum charge hereinafter set forth. See “Billing for Multiple Establishments” where more than one establishment, business or activity is supplied through a single meter.
Billing for Multiple Establishments:
      (1)   The foregoing rates are based upon a single meter and service supplying not more than a single establishment, business, activity or premises.
      (2)   Where a single metered service supplies more than a single establishment, firm or business, there shall be added to the billing as determined under the foregoing rates and charges and the applicable minimum charges as set forth below, an additional charge of $14.15 per month inside village limits and $35.37 per month outside village limits for each additional establishment, firm, business or activity served through the same meter.
      (3)   The village reserves the right to require that all future business establishments of activities located on the same premises, be individually plumbed and metered before service is established.
Minimum Charge per Month or Part Thereof:
      (1)   After service has been established, the total billing for each month or part thereof shall thereafter be the sum of the foregoing charges (A) (3,000 gallon minimum) and (B) but in no event shall the total billing be less than the following:
Capacity of Service
Capacity Charge
Capacity of Service
Capacity Charge
0.75 in. or less
1.00 in.
1.25 in.
1.50 in.
2.00 in.
2.50 in.
3.00 in.
4.00 in.
6.00 in.
8.00 in.
      (2)   Where multiple establishments or businesses are supplied through one meter, the applicable minimum charge shall be increased as provided above under “Billing for Multiple Establishments”. If billed bi-monthly, the minimum charge shall be multiplied by two.
Terms of Payment: The foregoing rates and charges are net and already reflect the discount applicable from the gross rates if all accounts are paid on or before the date specified on the bill. If all accounts are not so paid, the gross rates and charges shall apply, which are 10% but not less than $1 higher than the foregoing net rates.
Deposits and Responsibility for Payment of Bills: For all water service furnished within the corporation limits of the village, the present property owner of record of the land to which water service is furnished, shall be responsible for the payment of all water bills for such service - irrespective of who incurred such unpaid bills, or when such bills were incurred or who owned or occupied the property at the time the bills were incurred. All unpaid water bills shall be assessed as a tax lien against the property owner’s liability. As to payment of bills, see the village’s general rules and regulations.
Billing and Meter Readings: All service under this schedule shall be separately metered and billed for each service location defined above. No meter readings will be combined for billing purposes. For any fractional part of billing period, all rates shall be applicable as written with no proration of rate block or minimum charge whatever.
Direct Sales to Tank Trucks: Direct metered sales from the village’s mains may, at the village’s option, be made to tank truck. The location, time and hour to be specified by the Water Department. The charge for all such water furnished shall be $25 per 1,000 gallons.
Water Service and Tap Charge: The initial establishment of water service is subject to village’s applicable water and tap charges and other conditions as set forth in the village general rules and regulations of file at its Water Department office.
Private Fire Line Protection Service:
      (1)   For all fire protection on service installations made after the effective date of this schedule and requiring a special fire service line to serve consumer’s premises, the consumer shall install at his or her expense, subject to village’s inspection and approval, all of the necessary complete and separate fire line piping system, extending from consumer’s system to village’s existing water main.
      (2)   All separate fire service lines installed after the effective date of this schedule, shall have installed in same, an approved meter that will accurately measure any flow of water in same and detect any illegal diversion of water from the fire line. Said check meter and its installation are by consumer.
      (3)   For old unmetered fire service lines, existing as of the effective date of this schedule, village reserves the right to require the consumer or property owner to install, at his or her expense, a suitable approved meter installation that will accurately meter all flows in the fire service line connections. In such an event, consumer will be given reasonable written notice as to the date that such meter is to be installed and if not installed and in operations by the date specified by the village, the fire service line shall be disconnected by the village.
      (4)   After the effective date of this schedule, no separate fire service lines or combination fire protection and regular service lines will be installed unless 100% of the existing and future water requirements of the premises and/or buildings to be protected by the fire service line under consideration are furnished by the village. The charges for special fire protection service shall be as follows:
         (a)   1.   For fire line protection service supplied through a separate metered or unmetered fire service line and where the consumer purchases 100% of his or her requirements from the village, the additional monthly charge shall be as follows:
Size of Separate Fire Service Line
Additional Monthly Charge*
Inside Village
Outside Village
Up to
4.0 in.
6.0 in.
8.0 in.
            2.   These charges for fire protection service shall not apply to tax supported public buildings such as schools and other governmental buildings, located within the corporation limits of village. Also said charges shall not apply to bona fide (as determined and defined by village) tax exempt charitable or non-profit institutions such as churches, no-profit hospitals and the like located within village’s corporation limits.
         (b)   Where a separate fire service line is installed and where the consumer involved does not purchase 100% of his or her water requirements from the village: 50% of the capacity charge set forth shall apply for the size of the fire service line involved, but in no event less than $110.06 per month.
         (c)   Where the consumer purchases 100% of his or her water requirements from village and where all service including fire protection is taken through a single metered service line:
            1.   No additional charge for fire line protection service shall be made; and
            2.   No charge will be made for the water used for firefighting purposes. Said fire flow shall be estimated by village and deducted from the consumer’s water bill.
Line Extensions: All new line extensions, including extensions of water mains required for fire protections, shall be paid for by the consumers involved and in accordance with the provisions set forth in the village’s general rules and regulations on file at village’s office.
Interconnections with Village’s Water System Are Prohibited:
      (1)   In order to prevent possible contamination of village’s water supply and resultant hazards to health, the village will under no conditions allow the installation of any equipment or device that would enable a cross connection to be made (either temporary or permanent) between the village’s water supply and any other source to supply or drainage; nor will the village permit the installation of any piping, equipment or device that could, in village’s opinion, cause back siphoning, excess water pressure, vacuum conditions and the like that could cause contamination of the village’s water supply.
      (2)   The village shall have the right at all times to inspect, at any reasonable hour, the consumer’s piping system and/or equipment to make certain that this regulation is being complied with. When any cross connection or hazardous equipment installation exists, the village reserves the right to immediately shut off, without notice, its water service to the consumer involved. In such an event, water service will not be reestablished until the condition is corrected to village’s satisfaction.
Metering for Sewage Billing Purpose: See Sewage Service Schedule “CWS”.
Other Provisions and Conditions: See the village’s general rules and regulations as to other provisions and conditions pertaining to application and furnishing of service, deposits, turn-on and turn-off of service, the making of water taps, new extensions, the consumer’s installations, charges for special services furnished, the disconnections, reconnection and transfer of service, the responsibility for payment of bills and other conditions, which are a part of the schedule the same as if written herein.
Sub Metering Prohibited: No consumer shall submeter or resell water service to others. Any violation of this provision shall subject all water service to the premises to be disconnected until the violation is corrected to the satisfaction of the village.
(Ord. 1610-21, passed 2-1-2021)