It shall be unlawful for the driver of a vehicle to stand a passenger vehicle for a period of time longer than necessary for the loading or unloading of passengers, not to exceed three minutes, and for the driver to stand any freight-carrying vehicles for a period of time longer than is necessary to load, unload and deliver materials, not to exceed two hours, in any place designated as a loading zone and marked as such, or in any of the following designated places:
   (A)   At any place along the curb before the entrance to any business, structure or loading zone which has been marked as a no-parking zone; or
   (B)   At any place along the curb before the entrance to a public building (including churches and schools) which has been marked as a no-parking zone; provided, however, the driver of a bus, taxi or other vehicle may stop and park such vehicle in such spaces while receiving or discharging passengers only as long as the driver thereof is in fact seated at the steering wheel and the vehicle’s motor is running.
(Ord. 2013-12-16, passed - -) Penalty, see § 72.99