§ 155.162 LOTS.
   (A)   Lot sizes, shapes and locations shall be made with due regard to topographic conditions, contemplated use and the surrounding area. Land subject to flooding and land deemed by the Planning Board to be uninhabitable for other reasons shall not be platted for occupancy, nor for such other uses as may increase danger to health, life or property or aggravate the flood hazard, but such land may be set aside for such uses as will not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation.
   (B)   (1)   Every lot shall front or abut on a public street. Each lot must have a minimum road or street frontage of 50 feet and a minimum width, as designated in § 157.120, at the building setback line.
      (2)   Subdivisions that have received sketch plan approval by the County Planning Board prior to January 1, 2001 shall be required to maintain a minimum 100 feet width at the front setback line.
   (C)   Lots served by a community water system and by a community sewer system that has been approved by the State Division of Environmental Management or the Albemarle Regional Health Services shall have a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet.
   (D)   Lots served by the community water system shall be at least 15,000 square feet in usable area. All lots must abut on streets that contain water lines. A water meter must be placed on each lot to be served by the County Water System.
   (E)   (1)   Where public water and sewer facilities are not available and individual water supplies or individual sewage disposal systems are planned, the subdivider, at his or her own expense, shall have the site investigated under the supervision of Albemarle Regional Health Services to determine whether or not such individual facilities are feasible and shall present proof to the Planning Board that appropriate soil tests have been conducted and each lot in the subdivision has been approved by Albemarle Regional Health Services for individual water supplies and/or sewage disposal systems. The site investigation shall be conducted according to the standards of Albemarle Regional Health Services.
      (2)   When individual sewage disposal systems are planned, the minimum lot sizes specified in this chapter shall be increased as required by the standards of Albemarle Regional Health Services.
      (3)   Water supply and sewage facilities shall comply with applicable state and county public health laws and regulations.
   (F)   Double frontage and reverse frontage lots shall be avoided, except where required to separate development from through traffic. A ten-foot non-access zone shall be provided along all rear lot lines adjacent to an existing right-of-way.
   (G)   Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
   (H)   All lots shall conform to the minimum standards or dimensions noted herein and those contained in an applicable zoning ordinance, building codes or other official regulation.
   (I)   The creation of a new parcel in accordance with these regulations shall not result in the residual parcel being a nonconforming lot.
(Ord. passed 4-17-1989; Ord. 6, passed 3-1-1995; Ord. 12, passed 3-19-2001)