(A)   No person shall begin construction of any new manufactured home rental community until a plat has been properly presented and approved by the Board of Commissioners. No manufactured home may be occupied within a manufactured home rental community until a certificate of compliance has been issued.
   (B)   To obtain plat approval, the developer shall follow these steps.
      (1)   It is recommended that the developer meet with the Planning Board to discuss his or her plans and ideas pertaining to the new manufactured home rental community.
      (2)   Manufactured home rental community development plan.
         (a)   The developer shall submit eight copies of the development plan and any supplementary material to the Subdivision Review Officer at least 15 days prior to the regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting at which the development plan is to be considered.
         (b)   The Planning Board Chairperson or Subdivision Review Officer shall inspect the site. The developer may be asked to accompany the inspection group.
         (c)   The plan shall be checked against the design standards and development plan requirements by the Planning Board. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to ensure the following agencies are given the opportunity to review and make recommendations on the development plan:
            1.   The District Health Department as to proposed waste water disposal systems, insect and rodent control measures, and any other systems or methods related to the jurisdiction of the Health Department;
            2.   An official of the public water system that will provide service to the park;
            3.   The Elizabeth City Fire Marshal or equivalent representative as appointed by the County Board of Commissioners to assure the manufactured home rental community fire protection system complies with the rules and regulations of the county and the state;
            4.   If the proposed manufactured home rental community contains waterfront access lots or property and/or canals are to be excavated, the Army Corps of Engineers will be contacted and the CAMA (Coastal Area Management Act) permit officer;
            5.   District Engineer for the Department of Transportation to ensure proposed roadway alignment and construction are designed to state standards; and
            6.   The developer shall submit copies of the plan and any accompanying material to other officials and agencies concerned with new development including, but not limited to:
               a.   Other agencies and officials as the Planning Board and/or Board of Commissioners may deem, from time to time, necessary or desirable;
               b.   The Land Quality Section, Division of Land Resources, as to sedimentation and erosion control for review and recommendation;
               c.   The Division of Coastal Management as to location of any areas of environmental concern that may be located on the proposed manufactured home rental community property;
               d.   The Division of Environmental Management as to the applicability of stormwater drainage; and
               e.   It is recommended that any manufactured home rental community with five lots or more be submitted to the U.S. Post Office for possible inclusion in the Community Mail Box Program.
         (d)   Comments from these reviewing agencies must be made available to the Planning Board before a preliminary plan may be approved, unless this requirement is specifically waived by the Planning Board.
      (3)   The Planning Board shall approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove the plan.
         (a)   If approved conditionally, the conditions and reasons thereof shall be stated and, if necessary, the Planning Board may require the developer to submit a revised plat.
         (b)   If the development plan is approved, approval shall be indicated on the appropriate certificate on the plan and the plan shall be forwarded to the Board of Commissioners for final approval.
      (4)   The Board of Commissioners shall take action on the development plan at its first meeting following the approval of the plan by the Planning Board. The Board of Commissioners shall approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove the plan. Approval of the plan is authorization for the developer to proceed with the construction of the manufactured home rental community.
      (5)   No development plan shall be approved until the certificates required by this subchapter to appear on the plan have been properly filled out and signed and an inspection fee of $5 per space, or a minimum of $75 (whichever is greater) has been paid to the county.
      (6)   The plan shall be prepared by a registered surveyor or engineer and shall be drawn at a scale of 50, 100 or 200 feet to one inch and shall contain or be accompanied by the following:
         (a)   The lines of all streets and roads;
         (b)   Lot lines and lot numbers;
         (c)   Minimum building setback lines;
         (d)   Reservations, easements, alleys and any areas to be dedicated to public use or sites for other than residential use with notes stating their purpose and any limitations;
         (e)   Sufficient data to determine readily and reproduce on the ground, the location, bearing and length of every street, lot line, boundary line, block line and building line, whether curved or straight, and including true north point; (This should include the radius, center angle and tangent distance for the center line of curved streets and curved property lines that are not the boundary of curved streets.)
         (f)   All dimensions should be to the nearest one-tenth of a foot and angles to the nearest minute;
         (g)   Accurate location and description of permanent monuments and stakes;
         (h)   The proposed utility system:
            1.   Water;
            2.   Gas;
            3.   Sewers;
            4.   Storm drainage; and
            5.   Electric utilities.
         (i)   The names and location of adjoining subdivisions and streets, and the location and ownership of adjoining unsubdivided property;
         (j)   Title, date, name and location of manufactured home rental community graphic scale and north point (indicate if true north, magnetic north or state’s Grid System is used);
         (k)   Name of owner, surveyor or land planner;
         (l)   Sketch vicinity map showing relationship between manufactured home rental community and surrounding area;
         (m)   Recreation and parking area;
         (n)   Location and intensity of area lights and typical connections to manufactured homes;
         (o)   The water supply, sanitary sewage disposal and storm drainage systems;
         (p)   All manufactured home rental communities must be serviced by an approved public water system;
         (q)   Name of public water system serving the park;
         (r)   Surface water drainage plans;
         (s)   The location of fire hydrants; and
         (t)   Certificate of ownership, signed; certificate of accuracy of mapping, signed; certificate of approved water and sewage, signed; certificate of approved light and electrical system, signed; certificate of approved fire protection system, signed; certificate of Planning Board approval, signed; certificate of approved streets by Department of Transportation, signed; and certificate of County Board of Commissioners approval, signed.
      (7)   Upon completion of the preceding requirements, the developer may begin construction of the manufactured home rental community.
      (8)   Any new addition of manufactured home spaces to a manufactured home rental community shall be submitted as a new plat and meet the procedures and requirements of this subchapter.
(Ord. passed 2-18-1991)