§ 112.10 RECORDS.
   Each franchisee shall maintain the following records.
   (A)   Record of dispatch. This record shall show time call was received, time ambulance was dispatched, time ambulance arrived on scene, time ambulance arrived at destination, time ambulance in service and time ambulance returned to base.
   (B)   Trip record. The trip record shall state all information required in division (A) above in addition to information on a form approved by the county. The trip record shall be so designed as to provide the patient with a copy thereof containing all required information. A copy of the trip record may serve as a receipt for any charges paid.
   (C)   Daily report log. This log shall be maintained for the purpose of identifying more than one person transported in any one day.
   (D)   Daily driver and attendant checklist and inspection report. This report shall list contents and description of operations for each vehicle, signed by the individual verifying vehicle operations and equipment.
(Ord. passed 2-4-1985)