   The Municipal Court, when not incompatible with the proper dispatch of its business, shall have power to discharge persons summoned as jurors or dispense with their attendance on any day of its sitting.
   No juror shall be deemed incompetent because the city is a party to the matter to be tried and the juror is a resident of such city.
   When, by neglect of any of the duties required in this article to be performed by any of the officers or person herein mentioned, the jurors to be returned shall not be duly drawn and summoned to attend the Court, any person guilty of such neglect shall pay a fine not exceeding $20, to be imposed by the Court.
   (a)   Any person summoned as aforesaid, by virtue of a venire fascias or otherwise, to serve as a juror, and actually attending the Municipal Court at the time summoned, whether he or she be called to serve as a juror or not, shall, for each day he or she so attends, be entitled to receive the sum of not more than $15, which sum shall include travel expenses and meal allowance. There shall be taxes in the costs against any person against whom a judgment on the verdict of a jury may be rendered in a case, and against any person on whose motion the verdict of a jury is set aside and a new trial granted, a total sufficient to pay the costs of the jury as aforesaid, which, when collected by the Clerk from the party, shall be paid to the city treasury. All money so received by the Clerk shall be forthwith paid by him or her to the City Treasurer and the Clerk and his or her surety shall be liable therefor on his or her official bond as for other money coming into his or her hands by virtue of his or her office.
   (b)   The Clerk of the Court shall at least annually certify to the City Treasurer a list of all money so paid to him or her and, in addition thereto, a correct list of all the cases in which jury fees have been taxed and are, at the time, properly due and payable in the city treasury.
   (c)   No juror who shall depart without leave of the Court shall be entitled to receive any compensation for his or her services as a juror.
   (d)   The Clerk of the Court upon which jurors are in attendance shall quarterly, and under the direction of the Court, make an entry upon its records, stating separately the amount which each juror is entitled to receive out of the city treasury for his or her services or attendance during the quarter; and such Clerk of the Court upon which juries are in attendance, if directed by the Court, shall at any time during such period and under the direction of the Court make an entry upon its records, stating separately the amount which each juror is entitled to receive out of the city treasury for his or her services or attendance during the period. It shall be the duty of the Clerk, as soon as practicable, to transmit to the Treasurer copies of all orders under this section making allowances payable out of the city treasury. Any Clerk who shall fail to pay over, as required by law, any monies so received by him or her or otherwise fail to comply with the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than $50.
   (e)   It shall be the duty of the Clerk, as soon as practicable after the adjournment of the Court, or before the adjournment of the Court at such time as the Court may direct, to deliver to each juror a certified copy of any order under the preceding division making an allowance to him or her, payable out of the city treasury; and the Treasurer shall, upon demand, pay to such juror the amount allowed to him or her.
   If any person shall be guilty of any fraud, by tampering with the jury box prior to drawing jurors, or in drawing a juror, or in returning into the jury box the name of any person which has lawfully been drawn out and drawing and substituting another instead, or in failing to place such name in the box for the ballots marked “drawn”, or in any other way in the drawing of jurors, he or she shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding $500.