(A)   There is hereby created the Township Land Division Review Committee which shall be responsible for reviewing all land division applications referred to it by the Assessor who has approved such. It is the responsibility of the said Committee to approve or deny all applications referred to it, taking into account the compliance with applicable laws, regulations and ordinances, and the protection of public health, safety and general welfare.
   (B)   The Committee members shall be appointed by the Township Board and shall be composed of the following persons: Supervisor, Treasurer, Assessor, Zoning Inspector and Planning Commission member; providing, however, if such individual is not able or is unwilling to be appointed to the said Committee, such person may designate his or her representative. Such representative must be approved by the Township Board. The Committee members shall be appointed for a one-year term; however, such term shall not end until each member’s successor has been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 141, passed 2-14-2000)