121.01 Composition of office.
121.02 Public Service Clerk. (Repealed)
121.03 Duties of Public Service Clerk. (Repealed)
121.04 Complaint procedure. (Repealed)
121.05 Sale of City Zoning Maps.
121.06 Sale of ordinances, Codified Ordinances, component codes.
121.07 Recovering costs for material furnished to public agencies.
121.08 Gift of police scanner to Council members upon leaving office. (Repealed)
121.09 Resignation of Council members.
121.10 Deadline for completion of permanent appropriations. (Repealed)
121.11 Compensation of elected officials.
121.12 Submission of annual budget. (Repealed)
Councilmen's qualifications - see Ohio R.C. 731.02
Election and term of Council - see Ohio R.C. 731.03
Officers of Council - see Ohio R.C. 731.04
Legislative powers of Council - see Ohio R.C. 731.05
Petty Cash Account for Clerk - see ADM. 131.01
Monthly financial summary reports to Council - see ADM. 135.08
Monthly accounts payable report to Council - see ADM. 135.09