Type of Fee | Fee Amount | Reference |
Type of Fee | Fee Amount | Reference |
*All equipment charges will be billed in 1 hour increments | ||
Large truck | $95 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Water truck | $75 per hour | Ord. 399 |
Propatch unit | $110 per hour | Ord. 433 |
Pick-up truck | $45 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Large riding mower | $50 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Tractor mower | $60 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Small mower | $45 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Road grader | $85 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Payloader | $110 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Payloader with snow-blower | $170 per hour | |
Sewer rodder | $75 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Street sweeper | $110 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Bobcat | $60 per hour | |
Labor during normal working hours | $40 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Labor rate for the first hour after normal working hours *Anything after the normal working hours will be billed in a minimum of 1 hour increments. | $75 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Labor rate for all hours after the first hour for other than normal working hours *Anything after the normal working hours will be billed in a minimum of 1 hour increments. | $60 per hour | Ord. 446 |
Water utility truck with hoist | $75 per hour | |
6" trash pump | $75 per hour | Ord. 543 |
Combination sewer cleaning unit | $370 per hour | Ord. 543 |
(Prior Code, § 24-10) (Ord. 399, passed 10-28-2003; Am. Ord. 433, passed 5-24-2005; Am. Ord. 446, passed 9-27-2005; Am. Ord. 543, passed 6-11-2013; Am. Ord. 578, passed 11-14-2017)
2018 S-15