§ 121.01  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   OPERATOR.  Any person owning or having control or use of 1 or more taxicabs used for hire upon the street or engaged in the business of operating a taxicab within the city.
   TAXICAB.  Any motor vehicle engaged in the carrying of persons for hire, whether over a fixed route or not, and whether the same be operated from a street stand or subject to calls from a garage, or otherwise operated for hire, but the term shall not include vehicles subject to control and regulation by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission, or vehicles regularly used by undertakers in carrying on their business, or vehicles operated by units of government, or vehicles owned and used by ambulance services, hospitals, or clinics for the transportation of patients, whether or not fees are charged for the service.
   TAXICAB DRIVER.  Any person who drives a taxicab, whether the person be the owner of the taxicab or be employed by a taxicab owner or operator.
(Prior Code, § 58-26)  (Ord. 107, passed 1946; Am. Ord. 331, passed 2000)