(A)   The city has entered into an interlocal agreement and joined the Northern Kentucky Regional Ethics Authority.
   (B)   Incorporated herein by reference is an interlocal cooperation agreement authorized by KRS 65.210 et seq., that the Mayor of the city is hereby authorized and directed to sign on behalf of the city and the provisions of this section shall be enforced by the Northern Kentucky Regional Ethics Authority and the Northern Kentucky Ethics Enforcement Committee according to the provisions thereof.
      (1)   To enforce the provisions of this section with regard to all officers and employees of the city and city agencies who are subject to its terms by issuing appropriate orders and imposing penalties authorized by this section;
      (2)   To control and maintain all statements of financial interests that are required to be filed by this section and to ensure that the statements are available for public inspection in accordance with the requirements of this section and the Kentucky Open Records Act;
      (3)   To develop and submit any reports regarding the conduct of its business that may be required by the Mayor or Council of the city; and
      (4)   To adopt rules and regulations and to take other actions, as necessary, to implement the provisions of this section, provided that the rules, regulations, and actions are not in conflict with the provisions of this section or any state or federal law.
   (C)   The Board of Ethics shall have the authorities, duties, and responsibilities as set forth in this section to enforce the provisions of this section.
(2010 Code, § 30.55)