(A)   There is hereby established a rank structure within the Police Department of the city from highest to lowest rank:
      (1)   Chief of Police (rank of Colonel, full-time, sworn officer);
      (2)   Lieutenant (full-time, sworn officer);
      (3)   Sergeant (full-time, sworn officer);
      (4)   Sergeant (part-time, sworn officer);
      (5)   Specialist (full-time, sworn officer);
      (6)   Police officer (full-time, sworn officer); and
      (7)   Police officer (part-time, sworn officer).
   (B)   All ranks not enumerated within division (A) above are hereby abolished.
   (C)   All promotions within the Police Department will be made only upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police, the appointment by the Mayor, and the approval of City Council.
   (D)   The Chief of Police shall prepare and publish a directive addressing the implementation of this section and the criteria for advancement within the rank structure.
(2010 Code, § 30.34) (Ord. 11, 2012, passed 7-9-2012)