Occupational and Payroll Licenses, Regulations, Taxes, and Fees
110.01 Definitions
110.02 Purpose
110.03 Business regulations
110.04 Business and payroll taxation; license fee
110.05 Collection
City Payroll Fees
110.20 Definitions
110.21 Amount of license fee
110.22 Alternate computation of fee for work outside the city
110.23 Employers to obtain license and to withhold license fee and file returns
110.24 Employee shall file if employer fails to do so
110.25 Duties of License Inspector
110.26 Investigative powers of License Inspector
110.27 Regulations promulgated by License Inspector
110.28 Confidential information
110.29 Interest
110.30 Use of license fee
110.31 Exempted activities
110.32 Liability for tax assessed against subcontractors
Special Occupational Regulations, Taxes, and Fees
110.45 Regulation and licensing of solicitors and canvassers
110.46 Regulation and registration of charitable solicitors
110.47 Regulation of home occupations
110.99 Penalty