No openings shall be made in any street in the City which has been designated, or which in the future shall be designated, by the West Virginia Commissioner of Highways, as a connecting part of a primary road, for the purpose of repairing a sewer lateral pipe or for the purpose of attaching a sewer lateral pipe to a main sewer, except in accordance with a permit from the West Virginia Commissioner of Highways and in accordance with the regulations prescribed by him. Such work shall be done under the supervision, and to the satisfaction of the West Virginia Commissioner of Highways, and the entire expense of restoring the street to as good a condition as before shall be paid by the person to whom the permit was given or by whom the work was done.
   No openings shall be made in any street not covered by the first paragraph of this section, for the purpose of repairing a sewer lateral pipe or for the purpose of attaching a sewer lateral pipe to a main sewer, except in accordance with a permit from the Director of Public Works and in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Director. The work shall be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Director, and the entire expense of restoring the street to as good a condition as before shall be paid by the person to whom the permit was given or by whom the work was done.
(1947 Code §25.35)