The annual license fee to act as a hawker or peddler, if the person licensed travels without a motor vehicle, shall be ten dollars ($10.00); if he travels with a motor vehicle of not more than one-half ton capacity, fifteen dollars ($15.00); if he travels with a motor vehicle of more than one- half ton capacity, but not exceeding one ton capacity, fifty dollars ($50.00); if he travels with a motor vehicle of more than one ton capacity, but not more than two tons' capacity, one hundred dollars ($100.00), and if he travels with a motor vehicle of more than two tons' capacity, one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) plus one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each additional ton or fraction thereof over two tons' capacity; and the person licensed shall pay at the same rate for each and every motor vehicle so used. Such person shall carry his license in some conspicuous place in his vehicle or about his pack and, in addition thereto, he shall cause to be painted or stencilled in a conspicuous place on the left-hand side of the vehicle the number of such license and the words "Parkersburg Hawker and Peddler" and the license year for which such license is issued, which information shall be in black letters on a white background, and the whole thereof shall be at least eight by twenty inches in size. The license shall not be assignable to any other person.
(1947 Code §17.34)