(1)    If a councilman be convicted of treason, any felony or bribery in any election, before any court, in or out of this state; is removed from office under the provisions of general law; or ceases to possess or fulfill any of the qualifications of a councilman as required by Section 2.105 of this Charter; or becomes physically or mentally incapacitated to the extent that he is unable to properly perform the functions of the office, his office shall become vacant at the declaration of Council. If a councilman absents himself from five (5) consecutive regular meetings of Council without approval of Council expressed in its official minutes, such absence shall constitute neglect of duty and upon declaration of Council a vacancy may be declared. (Amended 10-15-85)
   (2)    A vacancy occurring in the Office of any Councilman shall be filled as follows: Within ten (10) days after the occurrence of the vacancy, the Municipal Executive Committee of the party represented by the vacating Councilman shall submit a list of three (3) citizens with requisite qualifications to the Mayor. Within five (5) days of the submission of the list of candidates, the Mayor shall appoint one of the candidates to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term or until the next general election, whichever occurs first. (Amended 11-4-08.)