Within ninety-six (96) hours after the adjournment of any Council meeting, the City Clerk shall present to the Mayor all duly certified ordinances and resolutions adopted at the meeting. Such ordinances or resolutions so presented shall be certified by a duly appointed member of Council within forty-eight (48) hours from adjournment of the meeting wherein the same was passed. The Mayor, within seven days of receipt of an ordinance or resolution, shall return it to the City Clerk with or without his signature, or with his veto. If the ordinance or resolution is signed, it shall become operative at noon the seventh calendar day after it is presented to the Mayor. If the ordinance is disapproved by veto, the Mayor shall attach thereto a written statement explaining the reasons for his veto. Ordinances or resolutions vetoed by the Mayor shall be presented by the City Clerk to Council for consideration at its next regular meeting or a special meeting if consideration of the veto is included in the call therefor, and should the Council then or thereafter adopt the ordinance or resolution by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all its members, it shall become operative upon the date specified by Council, but in no event less than fifteen days after the date of final passage; and if no operative date is so specified, it shall become operative at noon on the fifteenth calendar day after the date of final passage. The Mayor's veto power shall extend to disapproving or reducing individual appropriation items in the budget or any ordinance or resolution, except appropriations or resolutions for auditing or investigating any part of the executive branch of the City government. (Amended 10-15-85.)