(a)    The Outdoor Dining Area shall be located adjacent to the property of an existing and lawful establishment of a permitted Operator and shall be under the responsible direction and control of that Operator.
   (b)    The Outdoor Dining Area may be open to patrons during hours of operation, but not before 7 a.m. or after 11 p.m. In the event a permitted Operator intends to serve non-intoxicating beer in an Outdoor Dining Area, all code provisions and regulations of the West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration regarding permitted days and hours of service shall be followed.
   (c)    All furniture and associated enclosures located on the public sidewalk/right-of-way shall not be attached or affixed to any poles, sidewalks/right-of-way or any other public facilities and must be readily removable without damage to the surface of public sidewalk/right-of-way. Penetrations into or permanent fixtures placed upon the public sidewalk/right-of-way are strictly prohibited.
   (d)    As authorized by state law, including, but not limited to, W.Va. Code §8-12-5(4), (20) and (44), all partitions or fencing required for the delineation, designation, or enclosure of the outdoor dining area on City right-of-way shall be provided, installed and maintained by the Operator and at the discretion of the City.
   (e)    The City shall have the absolute authority to determine when furniture and associated enclosures must be removed from the public sidewalk/right-of-way.
   (f)    No Outdoor Dining Area shall interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic or with access to parked vehicles and shall not reduce the open portion of public right-of-way/sidewalk to less than forty-eight (48) inches. Forty-eight (48) inches of unobstructed corridor space must be maintained between the outer dimension of the Outside Dining Area (barrier) and the curb or nearest obstruction, in order to ensure a clear pedestrian passageway along the sidewalk. In order to achieve a continuous pedestrian walkway, the pedestrian passageway shall be a straight line, parallel to the building face or curb line, for the entire length of the Outdoor Dining Area.
   (g)    An Outdoor Dining Area permit shall not be issued for an area that would obstruct access within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant, Fire Department standpipe connection, fire escape, loading zone, mail boxes, bus stops or traffic signal stanchions.
   (h)    The Outdoor Dining Area must be kept sanitary, neat and clean at all times and shall be free from the accumulation of food and litter. Food scraps and containers shall be disposed of in appropriate refuse containers on a regular basis during the day by the Operator. Sweeping of refuse or food scraps into tree grates or other nearby areas is strictly prohibited. Each operator shall wash, as needed, the public area to remove any food or drink residue.
   (i)    All applicable Health Department sanitation requirements shall be followed for outdoor food handling. The Operator shall be responsible for posting the outdoor dining area as to any special Health Department requirements.
   (j)   Operation and maintenance of the Outdoor dining area must comply in accordance with Article 509 - Disorderly Conduct and Peace Disturbance of the Municipal Code of the City of Parkersburg and all other code provisions and regulations of the City of Parkersburg.
   (k)    In order to serve non-intoxicating beer in an Outdoor Dining Area, the designated area must be included in the floor plan for the licensed premises as approved by the West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration. Non-intoxicating beer shall be served and consumed only on the enclosed or bounded portion of the public sidewalk designated and permitted by the City as an Outdoor Dining Area. Patrons are not permitted to carry non-intoxicating beer in or out of the Outdoor Dining Area.
   (l)    Smoking is prohibited within any outdoor dining area.
   (m)    Non-intoxicating beer or alcoholic beverages shall not be served in their original packaging within any Outdoor Dining Area.
(Ord. 0-1574. Passed 9-26-17.)