(a)   After the adoption of a comprehensive plan by City Council, the Planning Commission shall follow the comprehensive plan and review the comprehensive plan and make updates at least every ten years.
   (b)   After the adoption of a comprehensive plan by City Council, all amendments to the comprehensive plan shall be made by the Planning Commission and recommended to City Council for adoption in accordance with the procedures set forth in sections 1303.06, 1303.07, 1303.08 and 1303.09. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing prior to its recommendation to City Council.
   (c)   If City Council wants an amendment, it may request in writing for the Planning Commission to prepare an amendment. The Planning Commission must hold a public hearing within one hundred twenty (120) days after the written request by City Council to the Planning Commission is received.
   (d)   Within the latter of ninety (90) days or three scheduled meetings after the submission of the recommended amendment to the comprehensive plan to City Council, the City Council must act by either adopting, rejecting or amending the comprehensive plan.
(Ord. 0-1343. Passed 5-12-09.)