(1)   Auction: Sign describing the auction date for the proposed sale, provided such sign shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in display service area, and is limited to one (1) sign per lot, not to exceed a display duration of thirty (30) days.
   (2)   Banner: A sign intended to be hung with a message or symbol applied to plastic or fabric of any kind depicting a special event and not exceeding sixty (60) square feet. All banner signs may be posted thirty (30) days prior to the event and shall be removed within three (3) days following such event.
   (3)   Billboard: A sign, including the supporting sign structure, which is visible from a street or highway and advertises goods or services not located on the premises and/or property upon which the sign is located.
   (4)   Canopy: A sign affixed to a canopy, awning, eaves, or extended roof of a building, which identifies the business conducted in said building, provides a minimum clearance of eight (8) feet from the lowest point of the sign to the ground beneath it and shall not cover more than thirty-three percent (33%) of the full canopy.
   (5)   Community Event: A sign generally attached by poles to the ground advertising events conducted or sponsored by non-profit organizations provided signs for single event are not placed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days and shall not exceed 60 square feet in size.
   (6)   Construction: A sign pertaining to the construction, alteration, rehabilitation, remodeling of real estate or infrastructure either in progress or intended and may display the model, architect, contractor, subcontractors, financial supporters and similar individuals or firms for said project.
   (7)   Directional: A sign giving guidance of pedestrian or vehicular traffic within the premises on which it is located provided that each sign shall not exceed five (5) square feet.
   (8)   Directory: An outdoor sign erected on the building which lists the name of all businesses or activities conducted within the building.
   (9)   Display Service Area: The net geometric area enclosed by the display surface (sign face) of the sign and/or including the outer extremities of all letters and embellishments; this shall not include structural supports.
   (10)   Erect: To assemble, build, construct, attach, install, place, raise, suspend, affix, paint or in any way bring into being or establishing.
   (11)   Flag: Any local, state, national or similar type of flag, not displayed for sale.
   (12)   Flashing/Rotating sign: A sign with illumination that varies in intensity at periodic intervals.
   (13)   Freestanding: A single or multi-faced sign affixed to a supporting structure or embedded in and extending from the ground and detached from the building provided the bottom of the edge of the sign facing must be at least nine (9) feet above grade.
   (14)   Ground: A sign whose horizontal length is greater than its vertical height and which has a supporting base designed as an integral part of the sign resting primarily on the ground provided:
      A.   Shall not exceed twenty five (25) square feet in area
      B.   Shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height, measured from grade at the base of the sign.
      C.   Shall be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from public right of way.
      D.   No more than one (1) freestanding ground sign for each business.
   (15)   Hazard: Signs warning of construction, excavation or similar hazards so long as the hazard requires.
   (16)   Identification:    A sign identifying a large development such as a shopping center and may include a list of tenants.
   (17)   Incidental: Any sign which lends advertising to business or public function, operation or activity which is subject to periodic changes.
   (18)   Inflatable: A display filled by air or other gas and either designed to be airborne or attached to the ground, a roof, or any other structure or ornament that advertises a special event or business.
   (19)   Instructional: A sign which gives instructions such as “no dumping”, “no trespassing”, “no smoking”, “no parking”, “open”, “closed” or other similar message provided the sign does not exceed three (3) square feet in display service area.
   (20)   Memorial or Plaque:    A sign erected in remembrances or events that are non- commercial in nature or designation of the National Register of Historic Places.
   (21)   Menu/Sandwich: An advertising device which is ordinarily in the shape of an “A” or some variation thereof, which is easily moveable provided:
      A.   Shall not be illuminated.
      B.   Shall not exceed three (3) feet in height as measured from the sidewalk.
      C.   Shall not exceed three (3) feet in width per side.
      D.   Can only be displayed from the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
      E.   Shall not impede the flow of pedestrian traffic or block the view of vehicular traffic.
   (22)   Mural: Any type of display or artistic endeavor directly painted on to any exterior surface of a building or structure which does not include any words of advertisement or any other direct or indirect promotional message or content.
   (23)   Nameplate/address: Non-illuminated sign indicating the occupant’s name, address of the premise or identification of any legal business, service or operation which exists on the premise, provided that the sign shall not exceed three (3) square feet.
   (24)   Off-premise directional for places of worship and schools: A sign at the intersection where a minor street intersects with a major thoroughfare indicating the direction with access located on the minor street provided that:
      A.   Only one (1) sign per intersection/directional change.
      B.   Maximum of four (4) square feet.
      C.   Should more than one establishment wish to locate a directional sign at any one intersection, all such signs shall be consolidated into one (1) sign structure which shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area nor six (6) feet in height.
      D.   Establishment shall not utilize the sign when it abuts the street on which sign is to be located.
   (25)   Pennants: Long, narrow or triangular shaped flag generally displayed on fixtures or attached to existing poles along a sidewalk, for the purpose of drawing the attention to the public of an event or specific location.
   (26)   Political: Sign promoting the campaign of an individual for public office or of any political issue that has to be voted upon by the voting public.
   (27)   Portable: A single or double surfaced sign which is easily moveable, usually mounted on wheels and not permanently erected, provided:
      A.   Sign shall be no greater than thirty two (32) square feet
      B.   Shall not be permanently attached to a building, structure or the ground by any means.
      C.   Shall not flash or have any moving motion.
      D.   Shall be placed no less than twenty (20) feet from the right of way.
      E.   Shall not obstruct the view of traffic or impede pedestrian flow.
      F.   Shall not be utilized for more than ninety (90) days in one (1) calendar year.
   (28)   Product: Any on-premise sign which advertises a product or service offered, sold or otherwise provided by a business or activity displayed on the exterior of a structure or on exterior premises provided:
      A.   Shall not exceed eight (8) square feet.
      B.   Only four (4) signs permitted per street or parking lot frontage.
      C.   Shall be non-illuminated.
      D.   Shall not obstruct a parking space, loading space or driveway.
      E.   Shall be placed no closer than twenty (20) feet from the right of way.
   (29)   Projecting: A sign affixed to the building wall or structural support member and extending beyond the building wall or structural member more than twelve (12) inches and not less than eight (8) feet above the ground or the finished surface of a sidewalk, street, driveway or landing directly beneath it.   
   (30)   Public: A sign owned and maintained by the City, State or Federal Government and used exclusively to preserve, protect and promote the general public’s health, safety and welfare, including but not limited to street signs, stop signs and directional signs for public places.
   (31)   Public Service Message (Marquee):    An electronic, electrically or manually controlled sign which conveys only information such as time, date, temperature or general public information as to special events where different alternating copy changes are shown on the same lamp bank matrix without giving the appearance of directional movement, provided the display area may not exceed thirty two (32) square feet.
   (32)   Pump:    A sign located on the gasoline pump or dispensing unit giving the public information as “gallon”, “octane rating”, “self-service”, “price” and type of fuel, provided no such individual sign shall exceed two (2) square feet in area.
   (33)   Pylon:    A sign supported by one or more poles having a display surface a maximum of forty (40) feet above the grade and having no advertising device between the ground and the bottom of the sign face.
   (34)   Reader Board: A permanent sign on which notices are posted in the form of removable letters pertinent to the business on the premises, provided:
      A.   Shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet.
      B.   May be illuminated.
      C.   No flashing or rotating lights.
      D.   May be a wall, freestanding or ground sign.
   (35)   Real Estate:   A sign advertising the sale, rental or lease of all or a portion of the premises on which the sign is displayed during the sale, rental or lease period, provided:
      A.   Non-residential uses:      
         1.   Maximum of thirty two (32) square feet in area and shall not project above the lowest roof line of the building.
         2.   Placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from right of way.
         3.   One (1) sign permitted per street frontage.
      B.   Residential use:   
         1.   Maximum of eight (8) square feet maximum area and a maximum height of six (6) feet from grade.
         2.   Placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from right of way.
         3.   One (1) sign permitted per street frontage.
   (36)   Roof:   A sign that is attached to, supported by, erect, or maintained on the roof structure or the top of a parapet wall.
   (37)   Sign:    Any letters, pictorial representation, symbol, emblem, flag, banner, illuminated or non-illuminated, displayed in any manner whatsoever, which directs attention of persons to such device, and which is located within the view of the general public from a public right of way. Customary graphics found on soft drink and newspaper dispensers and similar machines shall not be considered as signs.   
   (38)   Sign structure: The framework, bracing or support of the sign.
   (39)   Subdivision:   A sign identifying the name of and located at the entrance of a residential subdivision, planned neighborhood development, office park, mobile home park, planned unit development or industrial park.
   (40)   Wall:   A sign affixed to any building or wall, projecting not more than twelve (12) inches.
   (41)   Window: A sign affixed to or located within six (6) inches of the interior or exterior surface of a window or door for the purpose of viewing from outside the premises, provided:
      A.   Not to exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross window size. A series of windows which are separated by frames less than six (6) inches in width shall be considered as a single window for the purpose of computation.
      B.   Shall not screen from view or obstruct any exit way.
         (Ord. 0-1192. Passed 6-14-05.)