(a)   After the effective date of this section, except for minor repairs, no person shall construct or install a mobile home park, or any part thereof, in the City, unless he/she possesses a permit issued by the City in the name of such person for such specific construction or installation. The terms construct and install shall be construed to mean and include the terms extend and alter.
   (b)   A permit for the construction, expansion or installation of a mobile home park shall not be issued until an application for a Mobile Home Park Permit has been approved by the Municipal Planning Commission and Council.
   (c)   Mobile home parks in operation, at the time these regulations become effective, and meeting all applicable prior regulations, shall be deemed eligible for a permit to operate provided that any construction, expansion or installation taking place after the effective date of this section shall be in compliance with all applicable provisions of this article.
   (d)   Mobile home parks put into operation after the date of this section shall comply in full with all applicable provisions of this article, except that individuals who have previously obtained a valid permit to establish a mobile home park under prior ordinances, shall not be required to apply for a Mobile Home Park Permit, as provided herein, unless construction pursuant to such permit has not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, and completed within two years.
   (e)   Applications will be submitted using format outlined in Appendix I to Ordinance 0-779.
   (f)   Determination by the Planning Commission in relation to such applications shall include review of the site plans and such other information or material as may be necessary.
   (g)   Before approval or disapproval of an application for a Mobile Home Park Permit a public hearing before the Municipal Planning Commission shall be held. Such public hearing shall be advertised as required.
   (h)   The following shall be required to report on the impact of the Mobile Home Park Permit:
      (1)   The Chief of Police shall report on traffic flow and congestion.
      (2)   The Fire Chief shall report on fire protection capabilities.
      (3)   The City Engineer shall report on the existing water distribution systems, storm sewers and streets.
      (4)   The Superintendent of the Sanitary Board shall report on sanitary sewers.
      (5)   The Superintendent of the Sanitation Division shall report on the sanitation pick-up availability.
      (6)   All private utilities shall report on the availability of their services and requirements.
   (i)   Each application shall be considered on its own merits and the significance of any adverse impact to the community. Items to be considered include, but are not limited to, compatibility with the existing community area, devaluation of property, increase in traffic, excessive noise, public utilities and the health and welfare of the community.
   (j)   The Municipal Planning Commission shall refuse to hear an application for a Mobile Home Park Permit if the information contained in the application is incomplete, inaccurate, false or misleading, or indicates that the applicable provisions of these regulations cannot be met. Such applications shall be returned to the applicant with the deficiencies noted.
   (k)   After such public hearing, applications for Mobile Home Park Permits shall be forwarded by the Planning Commission to Council for final approval. Such action will be taken no later than sixty days following receipt of the application.
   (1)   Approved applications will require reapplication if construction is not commenced within six months of issuance of the permit and completed within two years.
   (m)   Each reapplication shall be held to be a new application subject to all requirements contained herein.
   (n)   Any person whose application for Mobile Home Park Permit has been denied, or whose permit has been suspended or revoked, may petition and be granted a hearing on the matter within fifteen days after Council has received a written petition for such hearing.
   (o)   A permit may be suspended or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if it is found that the mobile home park is maintained or operated in violation of these regulations, or any law, rule or ordinance applicable thereto, or in violation of the conditions stated on the permit.
   (p)   A permit to operate shall not be reinstated until an inspection determines that the mobile home park is in compliance with all applicable provisions of these regulations or any orders, rules or instructions issued by Council.
(Ord. 0-779. Passed 6-27-95.)