(a)    Procedures. It is the intent of the Planned Neighborhood Development (PND) regulations that the application process and procedures be conducted simultaneously with the review procedures of the Subdivision Regulations.
   The development plans submitted under the PND regulations shall be submitted in a form which will satisfy the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations for preliminary plat and final plats and construction plans.
      (1)    Preapplication conference. To obtain information, each applicant is encouraged to confer with the Planning Director and City departments, that would have an interest in the preparation of the Planned Neighborhood Development. It shall be the responsibility of the Planning Director to contact and invite the interested City departments to a joint meeting. The general outlines of the proposal, evidenced schematically by sketch plans are to be considered before submission of the PND application. After the preapplication conference, the Planning Director shall furnish the applicant with written comments regarding this conference, including appropriate recommendations to inform and assist the applicant prior to his preparing the components of the PND application. However, no statement made by the Planning Director or City departments shall be binding upon the Planning Commission.
      (2)    Preliminary plat. In addition to the information required to be submitted under Section 1307.04 of the Subdivision Regulations the applicant shall submit the following:
         A.    Written documents.
      1.    A legal description of the total project site including a statement of present and proposed ownership.
      2.    A statement that includes a description of the character of the proposed Planned Neighborhood Development and rationale for selecting the proposed design alternative.
   3.    A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the PND can be expected to begin and be completed.
      4.    A statement of the applicant's intentions with regard to the future selling or leasing of all or portions of the PND such as land areas, dwelling units and commercial structures.
      5.    Quantitative data for the following: total number and type of dwelling units; parcel size; approximate gross and net residential densities; off-street parking; total amount of common open space (separate figures for improved and unimproved); and total amount of nonresidential construction with separate figure for commercial facilities.
         B.    Site plan and supporting maps.
            1.    The location and floor area size of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and other improvements including maximum heights, types of dwelling units, density per type, and nonresidential structures, including commercial facilities. The Municipal Planning Commission may also require architectural renderings of typical structures and improvements if deemed necessary to convey the intent of the PND.
            2.    The location and size in acres or square feet of all areas to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved as common open space, public parks, recreational areas or similar uses.
            3.    The existing and proposed circulation system of arterial, collector and local streets including off-street parking areas, service areas, loading areas and major points of ingress and egress to the development. Notations of proposed ownership, whether public or private, shall be included where appropriate.
            4.    The existing and proposed sidewalks, including their interrelationships with the vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatments of points of conflict.
            5.    A general landscape plan in schematic form indicating the treatment and use of materials used for private and common open spaces.
            6.    Enough information on adjacent land areas to indicate the relationship between the PND and existing and proposed adjacent areas, including land uses, zoning classifications, densities, streets and sidewalks, public facilities and unique natural features.
            7.    The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the PND including materials and techniques used such as screening, fences and walls.
   Within a maximum of eighteen months following approval of the preliminary plat, the applicant shall file with the Planning Commission a final plat containing in a final detailed form the information required in subsection (a)(2)B. hereof and Section 1307.06 of the Subdivision Regulations. At its discretion and for good cause the Planning Commission may extend the period for submission of the final plat.
   If the applicant fails to apply for approval of the final plat, preliminary plat approval shall be deemed to be revoked for that land area included within the project and shall be subject to the Zoning and Subdivision Regulations otherwise applicable.
      (3)    Final plat. The applicant shall submit the final plat of the Planned Neighborhood Development in accordance with the requirements of Section 1307.06 of the Subdivision Regulations. The final plat shall be deemed in substantial compliance with the preliminary plat provided modification by the applicant does not involve a change of one or more of the following:
         A.   Violate any provision of this article;
         B.    Vary the lot area by more than ten percent (10%);
         C.    Involve a reduction of more than ten percent (10%) of the area reserved for the common open space; and
         D.    Increase the floor area proposed for nonresidential development by more than ten percent (10%). If substantial compliance with the preliminary plat is not established, the new plat must repeat the public hearing process for review of the changes.
   Following formal acceptance of the final plat by the Planning Commission and approval of the construction plans by the City Engineer, building permits may be issued and construction begin. (Ord. 0-418. Passed 11-12-85.)