(a)    In the Floodway Fringe (F-2) and Approximated Flood Plain (F-3), the development and use of land is regulated by the underlying zoning district, provided that all such uses, activities and development shall be undertaken in strict compliance with the floodproofing and related provisions contained herein and all other applicable codes, ordinances and regulations. For any manufactured home park or subdivision within the Floodway Fringe or Approximated Flood Plain, the owner or operator shall file with the disaster preparedness authorities of Wood County and the City an evacuation plan which indicates alternate vehicular access and escape routes.
   (b)    In addition, whenever a developer intends to alter or relocate a watercourse within the Floodway Fringe (F-2) or Approximated Flood Plain (F-3), the developer shall notify in writing by certified mail all adjacent communities and the State Coordinating Office of all such intended activities prior to any alteration or relocation of the watercourse, and shall submit copies of such notification to the Federal Insurance Administrator. The developer shall also assure the City in a manner agreed upon by the City Attorney, that the flood-carrying capacity within the altered or relocated portion of the watercourse in question will be maintained.
(Ord. 0-531. Passed 2-23-88.)