The Flood Plain Overlay District includes all areas subject to inundation by the waters of the one hundred year flood. The source of the delineation for the base flood shall be the Flood Insurance Study for the City of Parkersburg as prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Flood Insurance Program. For purposes of this article, the Flood Plain Overlay District shall be comprised of the following three subdistricts:
   (a)    Floodway (F-l): That portion of the Flood Plain Overlay District required to carry and discharge the waters of the one hundred year flood without increasing the water surface elevation at any point more than one foot above existing conditions, as demonstrated in the Flood Insurance Study of the City of Parkersburg.
   (b)    Floodway Fringe (F-2): Those portions of land within the Flood Plain Overlay District subject to inundation by the one hundred year flood, lying beyond the floodway in areas where detailed study data and profiles are available.
   (c)    Approximated Flood Plain (F-3): Those portions of land within the Flood Plain Overlay District subject to inundation by the one hundred year flood, where a detailed study has not been performed, but where a one hundred year flood plain boundary has been approximated.
   (d)    Base Flood Elevation: For these areas, elevation and floodway information from other Federal, State or other acceptable sources shall be used when available and approved by the City Engineer. When such other acceptable information is not available, the base flood elevation shall be established as the elevation of a representative point, as determined by the City Engineer on the boundary of the approximated flood plain which is nearest to the construction site in question. (Ord. 0-531. Passed 2-23-88.)