(a)    Purpose and Scope. The purpose of the M-2 District is to accommodate those heavier manufacturing and other industrial uses which cannot eliminate or adequately reduce objectionable influences, but which, nevertheless, should be provided for somewhere in the City. (Ord. A-2530. Passed 2-27-73.)
   (b)    Principal Permitted Uses.
      (1)    Principal uses, permitted or as authorized conditional uses in the M-1 District. (Ord. 0-774. Passed 6-13-95.)
      (2)    Any other use not in conflict with any ordinance of the City regulating nuisances, except those specifically enumerated in subsections (c) and (d) hereof.
   (c)    Prohibited Uses. The following uses shall not be permitted in the M-2 District.
      (1)    Residential. As prohibited and regulated in the M-1 District.
      (2)    Institutional. As prohibited and regulated in the M-1 District.
   (d)    Principal Conditional Uses. When authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals in accordance with Section 1329.05(b).
      (1)    The following manufacturing and other industrial uses.
         A.    Coke ovens.
         B.    Corrosive acid manufacture.
         C.    Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of Paris manufacture.
         D.    Distillation of bones.
         E.    Fat rendering.
         F.    Fertilizer manufacture.
         G.    Garbage, offal or dead animal reduction or dumping.
         H.    Glue or size manufacture involving the recovery from fish or animal offal or fish smoking or curing.
         I.    Metal reclamation from scrap which contains nonmetal material.
            (Ord. A-2530. Passed 2-27-73.)
         J.    Metal waste salvage and junk yards, including automobile salvage and reclamation of barrels and drums.
            (Ord. A-2530. Passed 2-27-73; Ord. 0-1552. Passed 10-25-16.)
         K.    Petroleum refining.
         L.    Smelting or reduction of ores or processes utilizing cupolas, open hearths, electric melt or rotary furnaces.
         M.    Stockyards.
   (e)    Accessory Permitted Uses. Any accessory use customarily incidental to a principal permitted use, including the following: accessory permitted uses, as permitted in the M-1 District.
   (f)    Accessory Conditional Uses. Any accessory use customarily incidental to a principal conditional use, when authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals provided that any such accessory conditional use shall meet the requirements and conditions specified in Section 1329.05(b).
   (g)    Requirements. The following requirements shall be observed, except as modified hereinbefore, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1361.
      (1)    Maximum height. None, except within 100 feet of an R District, then same as for the R District.
      (2)    Minimum lot area. None.
      (3)    Minimum yards.
         A.    Minimum front yard: none, except twenty feet when abutting and within 100 feet of an R District on either side.
         B.    Minimum side yards: none, except five feet along common line of an abutting R District.
         C.    Minimum rear yard: none, except five feet along common line of an abutting R District.
      (4)    Off-street parking and loading. See Article 1363.
      (5)    Maximum floor area ratio. None.
      (6)    Businesses in enclosed building. Any business, service repair, processing, manufacturing, storage or display, whether principal or accessory, if not conducted wholly within an enclosed building, shall be enclosed by a screen fence at least six feet in height, where such use abuts or faces, either directly or across a street, alley or other public open space of any R District. (Ord. A-2530. Passed 2-27-73.)