(a)    Purpose and Scope. It is the purpose of the M-1 District to accommodate those manufacturing establishments which are either: ones whose operations are relatively free of objectionable influences; or ones whose objectionable features are capable of being readily obviated or controlled by means of appropriate devices. In the interest of general health and welfare, residential and certain institutional uses are not permitted. Where this district abuts R Districts, special approval is required for manufacturing and industrial uses when located within 200 feet of R District boundary lines.
   (b)    Principal Permitted Uses.
      (1)    Principal uses, permitted or as authorized conditional uses in the B-2 District, except those specifically prohibited in subsection (c) hereof.
      (2)    The following nonmanufacturing uses when located 200 feet or more from an R District boundary line:
         A.    Concrete mixing plants; sawing and planing mills.
         B.    Truck terminals, railroad freight stations and depots.
         C.    Bag, carpet and rag cleaning plants.
         D.    Bulk storage stations for liquid fuels, petroleum products, petroleum and volatile oils, provided that all tanks shall be located underground.
         E.    Cold storage plants.
         F.    Railroad train yards, classification yards, team tracks and major freight stations.
      (3)    Any other principal manufacturing uses, including assembling, altering, converting, fabricating, finishing, processing and treatment or other industrial uses not specifically prohibited under subsection (c) hereof, provided that they shall be located not less than 200 feet from every abutting R District boundary line.
   (c)    Prohibited Uses. The following uses shall not be permitted in the M-1 District:
      (1)    Residential. Dwellings, dwelling units and residences of any kind, including hotels, motels, rooming houses and tourist homes, except for the following:
         A.    Dwellings for families of watchmen, caretakers and operators, and such sleeping and boarding accommodations as are customarily incidental and necessary to a permitted use, which buildings must be located on the same premises as such permitted use.
         B.    Additions to existing dwellings where the number of families or the number of lodging accommodations is not increased.
         C.    Variations in the number of dwelling units within the confines of existing buildings, provided that the gross floor area used for residential purposes be increased not more than 100 percent of the gross floor area used for residential purposes on the effective date of the adoption of this section (Ordinance A-2530, passed February 27, 1973).
      (2)    Institutional. Schools, orphanages, homes for the aged and similar institutions for human care, except where they are incidental to a principal permitted use.
      (3)    Manufacturing. The following manufacturing uses, including assembling, altering, converting, fabricating, finishing, processing and treatment or other industrial uses:
          A-1.    Abrasive substance manufacture.
          A-2 .    Acetylene manufacture.
          A-3.    Acid (corrosive) manufacture and derivatives, including bulk storage of such acids and derivatives in quantities of 500 gallons or more, except as provided in paragraph (d)(2) hereof.
          A-4.    Alcohol distilleries.
          A-5.    Ammonia manufacture.
          A-6.    Aniline dye manufacture.
         A-7.    Asphalt or asphalt products manufacture.
          B-1.    Bleaching powder manufacture.
          B-2.    Boat building; boats over five tons.
          B-3.    Boiler manufacture.
          B-4.    Bone black or carbon black manufacture.
          B-5.    Brick, fire brick, and structural clay products manufacture, including refractories.
          C-1.    Calcimine manufacture.
          C-2.    Carbon and carbide manufacture.
          C-3.    Caustic soda manufacture.
          C-4.    Cement block and cement molded products manufacture.
          C-5.    Cement manufacture, bulk storage and bulk distribution of cement.
          C-6.    Charcoal, lampblack and fuel briquettes manufacture.
          C-7.    Chlorine manufacture.
          C-8.    Coke and tar products manufacture.
          C-9.    Coke ovens.
         C-10.    Corrosive acid manufacture.
          C-11.   Cotton ginning, wadding and linters manufacture.
          C-12.    Creosote manufacture.
          D-1.    Distillation of bones.
          D-2.    Dressings and blackings manufacture.
          D-3.    Dyestuffs manufacture.
          E-1.    Explosives or fireworks manufacture.
          F-1.    Fat rendering, tallow, grease or lard refining, or manufacture of wax from fats.
          F-2.    Fertilizer manufacture.
          F-3.    Forge plants (drop hammer or pneumatic hammer), except forge plants accessory, incidental and subordinate to a principal permitted use.
          F-4.    Foundries (ferrous or nonferrous), except foundries accessory, incidental and subordinate to principal permitted use.
          G-1.    Gas manufacture, except distribution of public utility services.
          G-2.    Gelatin manufacture.
          G-3.    Glucose or dextrine (starch) manufacture.
          G-4.    Glue and size manufacture involving the recovery from fish or animal offal or fish smoking or curing.
          G-5.    Grain, feed or flour milling or processing.
          G-6.    Graphite or graphite products manufacture.
          G-7.    Gypsum manufacture.
          H-1.    Hair, feathers, felt, fur, hides or leather processing, curing or tanning.
          I-1.    Incineration, reduction or dumping of offal, dead animals, garbage or refuse on a commercial basis.
         I-2.    Insecticides, fungicides, disinfectants and poisons: manufacture of ingredients for.
         J-1.    Jute, hemp, sisal or oakum products manufacture.
          L-1.    Lead oxide manufacture.
          L-2.    Lime or lime products manufacture.
          M-1.    Meat, fish and poultry products, including slaughtering and preparation of fish, meat and poultry for packing.
         M-2.    Metal ores reduction, refining or smelting, or processes utilizing cupolas, open hearths, electric melt or rotary furnaces.
         M-3.    Metal reclamation from scrap which contains nonmetallic material.
         M-4.    Metal refining or smelting, except of gold, silver and other precious metals. (Ord. A-2530. Passed 2-27-73.)
         M-5.    Metal waste salvage and junk yards, including automobile junk yards, and salvage operations, and reclamation of barrels and drums.
            (Ord. A-2530. Passed 2-27-73; Ord. 0-1552. Passed 10-25-16.)
         M-6.    Mining, including commercial mines, quarries and extraction of sand, gravel, clay or earth fill.
          N-1.    Nitrating processes of cotton and other materials.
          P-1.    Paint, lacquer, shellac and varnish manufacture, including colors, pigments, thinners and removers.
          P-2.    Paper and paper board manufacture.
          P-3.    Petroleum refining, including such petroleum products as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha and lubricating oil.
         P-4.    Plaster and plaster of Paris manufacture.
          P-5.    Plastic materials and synthetic resins manufacture.
          P-6.    Potash manufacture.
         P-7.    Pyroxylin or celluloid manufacture.
          R-1.    Radioactive materials manufacture or extraction.
          R-2.    Railroad locomotive or car building.
          R-3.    Rubber (natural or synthetic) manufacture, including tires and tubes.
          S-1.    Sandblasting or cutting, except where the dust is controlled by effective devices.
          S-2.    Smelting or reduction of ores or processes utilizing cupolas, open hearths, electric melt or rotary furnaces.
          S-3.    Soap and detergents manufacture from basic raw materials.
          S-4.    Steel manufacture, including rolling and drawing mills.
          S-5.    Stockyards.
          S-6.    Stone processing or stone products manufacture, except monument works where the dust is controlled by effective devices.
          V-1.    Vitreous enameled products manufacture.
          W-1.    Wallboard or building insulation manufacture.
          W-2.    Wood or bone distillation.
          W-3.    Wood pulp or fiber reduction or processing.
      (4)    Other. Any other use which is similar in character as defined by State or Federal laws, to the prohibited uses specified in subsection (c)(3) hereof or which would be hazardous, offensive, objectionable by reason of odor, dust, cinders, gas, fumes, noise, vibration, radiation, refuse matter or water-carried waste.
   (d)    Principal Conditional Uses. When authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals in accordance with Section 1329.05(b).
      (1)    Any principal use permitted under paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section, when located within 200 feet of an R District boundary line, provided that such use, in the opinion of the Board of Zoning Appeals, is not hazardous, offensive or objectionable due to odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas, fumes, noise, vibration, radiation, refuse matter or water- carried waste.
      (2)    Bulk storage of corrosive acids and derivatives in quantities exceeding 500 gallons, provided that adequate dikes, acid neutralizers and other protective or safety devices are installed.
         (Ord. A-2530. Passed 2-27-73.)
      (3)   Automotive services, major and minor repair, including PSC authorized and regulated wrecker/towing services, but excluding junk yards and long-term disabled vehicle storage. (Ord. 0-1487. Passed 9-23-14.)
      (4)    Any use specified in paragraphs (c)(3) and (c)(4) of this section, provided, however, that objectionable features can, in the opinion of the Board, be eliminated or controlled by mechanical or other devices which may be required pursuant to Section 1329.05 (b).
         (Ord. 0-1552. Passed 10-25-16.)
   (e)    Accessory Permitted Uses. Any accessory use customarily incidental to a principal conditional use, including the following:
      (1)    Signs.
      (2)    Off-street parking and loading facilities.
   (f)    Accessory Conditional Uses. Any accessory use customarily incidental to a principal conditional use, when authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals, provided that any such accessory conditional use shall meet the requirements and conditions specified in Section 1329.05(b).
   (g)    Requirements. The following requirements shall be observed, except as modified hereinbefore, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1361.
      (1)    Maximum height. None, except within 100 feet of an R District, then same as for the R District.
      (2)    Minimum lot area. None.
      (3)    Minimum yards .
         A.    Minimum front yard: none, except twenty feet when abutting and within 100 feet of an R District on either side.
         B.    Minimum side yards: none, except five feet along common line of an abutting R District.
         C.    Minimum rear yard: none, except five feet along common line of an abutting R District.
      (4)    Off-street parking and loading. See Article 1363.
      (5)    Maximum floor area ratio. None.
      (6)    Businesses in enclosed building. Any business, service repair, processing, manufacturing, storage or display, whether principal or accessory, if not conducted wholly within an enclosed building shall be enclosed by a screen fence at least six feet in height, where such use abuts or faces, either directly or across a street, alley or other public open space, any R District.
          (Ord. A-2530. Passed 2-27-73.)