The following requirements are applicable to both flatland and hillside subdivisions except where noted otherwise:
   (a)    Any trees or shrubs proposed to be installed on the street right of way by the subdivider or developer shall be approved as to types and placement by the City Development Department.
   (b)    The installation of trees and shrubs to form a tight screen effective at all times shall be required along the rear line of any lot in the subdivision which backs upon an arterial, collector or secondary street.
   (c)    In a hillside subdivision, the natural ground cover shall not be disturbed except for the grading of those portions of the lot for building sites and for the installation of necessary improvements including earth cuts and fills. The removal of additional natural ground cover under other circumstances may be permitted by the Department when necessary to the successful development of the subdivision. In order that erosion caused from removal of such additional natural ground cover shall be prevented, the subdivider shall agree to any replacement of any additional natural ground cover prior to final approval of the subdivision, such replacement to be as directed by the Department relative to the method of installation and to type.
      (Ord. A-1090. Passed 4-4-67; Ord. A-3173. Passed 3-23-76.)