Improvements shall be installed in accordance with the stipulations below and as enumerated in Article 1309. Article 1309 is part of the Subdivision Regulations and constitutes the detailed instructions to the subdivider for the development of the subdivision and the required documents described herein.
   (a)    Construction plans for improvements to be installed shall be submitted to the City Engineer's office and the Sanitary Board Office and shall receive approval before improvements are installed. The following shall be required:
      (1)    Construction plans to be drawn on sheet size pages of twenty-four by thirty- six inches reproducible mylar;
      (2)    The plan and profile of each street at a horizontal scale of forty feet or less per inch and a vertical scale of ten feet or less per inch;
      (3)    Typical cross-sections of each proposed street at a scale of ten feet or less to the inch, showing the width and depth of pavement, base aggregate and the location and width of curbs, sidewalks and utilities;
      (4)    The plans and profiles of proposed sanitary storm sewers at a horizontal scale of forty feet or less per inch and a vertical scale of ten feet or less per inch with complete elevations, grades and sizes; and proposed methods for adequate sanitary sewer and storm water disposal in lieu of sanitary and storm water sewers;
      (5)    A plan of the proposed water distribution system, showing the location, depth, sizes of all pipes, valves and fire hydrants; and
      (6)    Estimate of plan quantities and estimated cost of improvements.
   (b)    Streets shall be graded to the full width of the right of way and fully constructed with the type of thickness of pavement specified in the appropriate section of Article 1309. Curb and gutter shall generally be required on all street types as specified and approved by the City Engineer.
   (c)    Sidewalks of such widths as may be required by the Planning Commission and of such type of construction as may be specified by the City Engineer shall be constructed on both sides of every street where the average width of lots is less than sixty feet. Sidewalks shall be constructed on one or both sides of streets, irrespective of the width of lots, where, in the opinion of the Commission, these are necessary to protect the safety of pedestrians.
   (d)    Where the development of a subdivision may require cutting or filling of the existing ground surface, the Commission upon its initiative, may require the applicant to submit a certified statement by a professional engineer, to the effect that the soil and substrata conditions at the site shall accommodate the type of construction proposed without detrimentally affecting either the site or any land in the vicinity thereof.
   (e)    Every subdivision shall be provided with a storm water sewer or drainage system adequate to serve the area being platted or otherwise meeting the approval of the City Engineer.
   (f)    Every subdivision shall be provided with a complete water distribution system adequate to serve the area being platted, including a connection for each lot and appropriately spaced fire hydrants. The entire water system shall be designed to meet the approval of the officials having jurisdiction.
   (g)    In every subdivision, provision shall be made for the satisfactory disposal of sanitary sewage, as follows:
      (1)    Where a public sanitary sewer main is reasonably accessible, in the opinion of the Sanitary Board, the subdivision shall be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system connected with such sewer main, including a lateral connection for each lot.
      (2)    Where a public sanitary sewer main is not reasonably accessible, in the opinion of the Board, proper provisions shall be made for the disposal of sanitary wastes by one or the other of the following methods:
         A.    In the case of a subdivision lot in which the typical size of lots is less than one-half acre, the subdivision shall be provided with a community sewer system, including a lateral connection for each lot, and a community sewage treatment plant or other means of disposal of a type meeting the approval of the Board and the Health Department, unless it is found by percolation and other tests that individual systems shall prove satisfactory, in which case the provisions of subsection (g)(2)B. hereof shall be observed.1
         B.    In the case of a subdivision in which the average size of lots is one- half acre or more in area, and where it is deemed appropriate by the Board and/or the Health Department in consideration of soil and other conditions as determined by percolation and other tests, private restrictions shall be stated on the final plat and/or incorporated in each deed calling for the installations on each lot of an individual sewage disposal system meeting fully the requirements of the Board and/or the Department.
   (h)    Poles or underground conduits for electric lights or telephone lines shall be placed in easements provided along rear of side lot lines, as agreed upon with the public utilities concerned, wherever this is practicable.
   (i)    Monuments shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer and the laws of West Virginia.
   (j)    Street name signs, of a type established by the City and at the locations designated by the officials having jurisdiction, shall be erected at each highway, thoroughfare and street intersection.
   (k)    The subdivider shall assume all costs for the inspection of all material used in the preparation and installation of the proposed improvements. The City Engineer shall outline the scope of material testing to the subdivider in writing prior to the approval of the construction plans. (Ord. 0-129. Passed 9-8-81.)
   1The right of the Sanitary Board to charge the actual cost of operating and maintaining any such community treatment plant shall be filed with the final plat and incorporated
in each deed.