As used in these Subdivision Regulations:
   (a)    "Subdivision" means a division of a tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, building sites, or other divisions for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or building development, which involves the dedication of a new street or change in existing street. In addition, "subdivision" means any division of a tract or parcel of land into five or more lots, building sites, or other divisions for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or building development, regardless of whether such division involves the dedication of a new street or change in existing street. The following shall not be included within the definition of subdivision, but are still subject to review and approval as hereinafter stated in 1307.07(b) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Parkersburg.
      1.    The division of a tract or parcel of land into less than five lots, regardless of purpose, which does not involve the dedication of a new street or change in an existing street.
      2.    The division of land into parcels greater than five acres where no street right-of-way dedication is involved.
      3.    Public acquisition by purchase of strips of land for the widening or opening of streets.
   In recognition of the topographic characteristics of the area, to provide for housing in a pleasant hillside environment with minimum disturbance to the natural terrain, to promote sound hillside development consistent with a desire to preserve the aesthetic and natural attributes of the hillside, and with a recognition of the development cost for subdivisions on hillsides; subdivisions are further defined in two classifications as follows:
      (1)    "Flatland subdivision" means a subdivision where the average cross slope is less than fifteen percent. This slope requirement shall be determined by measurement of the average slope perpendicular to the proposed street line between the proposed rear lot lines and the center of the street serving the lots.
      (2)    "Hillside subdivision" means a subdivision where the average cross slope is fifteen percent or greater, the slope being defined as in paragraph (1) hereof. Certain proposed subdivisions with areas of generally less than fifteen percent average slope may have special hillside problems and those may be classified, in part, as hillside subdivision land to benefit from the application of hillside subdivision standards. The Planning Commission shall determine the applicability of this definition to specific conditions.
         (Ord. A-1090. Passed 4-4-67; Ord. A-3771. Passed 6-27-78.)
   (b)    "Thoroughfare Plan" means the part of the Comprehensive Plan, now or hereafter adopted, which includes a major street and highway plan and sets forth the location, alignment, dimensions, identification and classification of existing and proposed streets, highways and other thoroughfares.
   (c)    "Zoning Ordinance" means the part of the Comprehensive Plan, now or hereafter adopted, including an ordinance and Zone Map which divides the jurisdiction of the Department into zones, with regulations, requirements and procedures for the establishment of land use controls.
   (d)    "Department" means the Development Department of the City.
   (e)    "City Engineer" means the Engineer of the City.
   (f)    "Health Department" means the West Virginia State Department of Health, Division of Sanitary Engineering.
   (g)    "Sanitary Board" means the Sanitary Board of the City.
   (h)    "Arterial, collector and secondary highways" mean the highway facilities designated as such in the Thoroughfare Plan of the Department.
   (i)    "Local street" means a street intended to serve and to provide access to neighborhoods or subneighborhoods.
   (j)    "Minor street" means any street not an arterial, collector, secondary or local street, and intended to serve and provide access exclusively to the properties abutting thereon.
   (k)    "Alley" or "service drive" means a passage or way affording generally a secondary means of vehicular access to abutting properties.
   (l)    "Professional engineer" means registered as a civil engineer in the State of West Virginia or a person approved by the Development Department.
   (m)    "Subdivision Regulations" as used herein means Ordinance A-1090, passed April 4, 1967; as amended, which is codified as Chapter Three of this Part Thirteen - Planning and Zoning Code.
   (n)    "Planning Commission staff" means the Director of the Division of Planning of the Department of Development of the City of Parkersburg and such members of said Director's staff as he shall designate.
(Ord. A-1090. Passed 4-4-67; Ord. A-3159. Passed 3-23-76; Ord. A-3771. Passed 6-27-78; Ord. A-3773. Passed 6-27-78.)
   (o)    "Planning Commission" means the City Planning Commission of Parkersburg, West Virginia. (Ord. 0-129. Passed 9-8-81.)