A.   Donated To Town: If neither the owner nor finder claims and takes away the property, money or currency within the time periods specified herein, the owner or finder shall be conclusively presumed to have made an unconditional donation of said property, money or currency to the town, and the initial receipt by the town of said property, money or currency into its possession shall constitute a receipt of a donation. (1988 Code § 3-5-4)
   B.   Use By Town: If any property referred to in section 6-7-1 of this chapter, except money or currency, shall not be claimed and taken away within the time period specified in section 6-7-2 of this chapter, the chief of police, or such officer as he directs, shall deliver a complete itemized list or inventory of such property to the purchasing officer, who shall ascertain whether any department of the town desires to utilize any of such property for town purposes, and shall deliver to the head of any department any property requested by him in writing and approved by the town manager.
   C.   Money Or Currency: Money or currency shall be delivered to the director of financial services to be deposited in the general fund of the town.
   D.   Public Sale:
      1.   Property Sold: All remaining property, except money or currency, not desired by any town department shall be disposed of by the purchasing officer at public auction. (1988 Code § 3-5-5)
      2.   Notice Of Sale: Notice of public auction under this chapter shall be given pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes section 39-204, the first notice to be at least eighteen (18) days prior to the date of sale. (1988 Code § 3-5-6)
      3.   Conduct Of Sale: After notice has been given as provided herein, the property shall be sold at public auction to be at such time and at such place as designated in the notice, and it shall be conducted under the direction of the purchasing officer. (1988 Code § 3-5-8)
      4.   Receipt And Certificate Of Purchase; Disposition Of Proceeds: The purchasing officer shall issue a receipt and certificate of purchase to the highest bidder, and the proceeds of the sale shall be delivered to the director of financial services to be deposited in the general fund of the town. (1988 Code § 3-5-9)
   E.   Disposal Of Property Exempt From Public Sale: The following property shall be exempt from auction and disposed as follows:
      1.   Unlawful property and illegal contraband shall be destroyed.
      2.   Alcohol and alcoholic beverages, either open or in sealed containers, shall be destroyed.
      3.   Property which is without value in the opinion of the purchasing officer shall be destroyed or discarded.
      4.   Any other property may be donated to nonprofit charitable organizations pursuant to council action. (1988 Code § 3-5-7)
   F.   Perishable Goods: The purchasing officer may sell property by public auction or in any other reasonable manner if it is a thing which is commonly the subject of sale and when the owner cannot, with reasonable diligence, be found or, being found, refuses, upon demand, to pay lawful charges provided by subsection 6-7-3B of this chapter, when the thing is in danger of perishing or of losing the greater part of its value. Notice shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the town not less than one day prior to sale. (1988 Code § 3-5-10; amd. 2004 Code)