The Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map, filed herewith, entitled “Comprehensive Plan, 1987-2002,” and “Land Use Map, 1987-2002,” respectively, as they may be amended from time to time, are hereby adopted by the city, except that all references to the office/neighborhood district, including part III, § 9.5, are hereby deleted and the Plan and Map shall be reproduced without any reference to an office/neighborhood service district and the renumbering of sections and pages should be made where appropriate. The Plan and Map are intended to be an important guide to the city when it considers future zoning and annexation requests, when subdivision plats and site plans are considered, and when decisions are made concerning the location and size of future roads and utilities. The Plan and Map should be reviewed periodically, but at least every 5 years, to ensure that the Plan is compatible with changing conditions, if any, in the city.
(Ord. 300, passed 1-13-1987; Am. Ord. 410, passed 11-19-1996; Am. Ord. 721, passed 3-3-2015)