(A) Whenever trees are required herein for interior landscaping or are used for buffer landscaping, if deciduous trees (trees which normally shed their leaves in the fall) are used, they shall be of a species having an average mature crown spread of greater than fifteen (15) feet in Bourbon County and having trucks which can be maintained with over five (5) feet of clear wood in areas which have visibility requirements, except at vehicular use area intersections where an eight (8) foot clear wood requirement will control.
(B) Trees having an average mature spread of crown less than fifteen (15) feet may be substituted by grouping of the same so as to create the equivalent of a fifteen (15) foot crown spread. A minimum of ten (10) feet overall height or a minimum caliber (trunk diameter, measured six (6) inches above ground for trees up to four (4) inches caliber) of at least one and three-quarter (1 ¾) inches immediately after planting shall be required.
(C) Trees of species whose roots are known to cause damage to public roadways or other public works shall not be planted closer than fifteen (15) feet to such public works, unless the tree root system is completely contained within a barrier for which the minimum interior containing dimensions shall be five (5) feet square and five (5) feet deep and for which the construction requirements shall be four (4) inches thick reinforced concrete.
(D) Whenever evergreen trees are used, they shall be a minimum of five (5) feet high with a minimum caliber of one and one-half (1 ½) inches and a minimum spread of three (3) feet immediately after planting.
(Ord. passed 1-9-73; Am. Ord. passed 7-20-76, § 5)