§ 22.802 MISSION
   This article is approved and initially funded by the city and the county for the Board to develop, locate and/or explore opportunities for joint parks, playgrounds and/or recreational system(s) in Bourbon County. Thereafter, opportunities that come into fruition shall be the responsibility of the Board to maintain and operate in accord with the applicable terms and provisions of this article and pursuant to the applicable provisions of KRS 97.010 to KRS 97.050. Initial funding by the city and the county is being provided to the Board contingent upon the Board creating feasibility study(ies) for project(s) concerning joint parks, playgrounds, recreation centers and building(s) thereon and/or recreational system(s) or any combination thereof. Each feasibility study shall include the availability of funding from sources other than the city or the county. Additional funding by the city and/or the county shall be in the discretion of their elected bodies, pursuant to § 22.807.
(Res. 2011-33, passed 5-24-11)