(A)   The President of the Town Council shall open, control, limit and close public comment on agenda matters.
   (B)   The President shall begin discussion of an agenda item and shall open Council discussion of the item, should he or she choose to do so. Other Council members shall continue discussion and comments after being recognized by the President. After discussion by the Council members, the President may open discussion to members of the public.
   (C)   Any member of the public wishing to speak on an agenda item must sign up to speak on a sign- up sheet located at the entrance to the meeting room. The preparation of the sign-up sheet is to allow the President to set a time limit for each person signed up to speak in order that the Council will have time to hear all points of view and to conduct all of the business on the agenda. The time for each speaker, unless expanded by the President prior to the start of discussion, shall be three minutes. Each speaker must be recognized by the President prior to speaking. Each speaker may only speak once unless a majority of the Council members present vote to expand public discussion.
   (D)   Upon the completion of public discussion, additional discussion may be made by members of the Town Council. Upon completion of this discussion, the President shall call for a motion. If a motion is made and properly seconded, the question shall then be voted upon.
   (E)   All members of the Town Council, including the President, are allowed to make motions and to vote on all motions.
   (F)   Pursuant to I.C. 36-5-2-8, the Town Clerk-Treasurer is the Clerk of the Town Council and whenever the Town Council has an even number of members, for any reason, the Clerk-Treasurer is an ex-officio member for the purpose of casting the deciding vote and break a tie.
   (G)   Pursuant to I.C. 36-5-2-10, an ordinance, order or resolution passed by the legislative body is considered adopted when signed by the President of the Town Council. Thereafter, the Clerk-Treasurer shall be responsible for promulgating or publishing such ordinance, order or resolution, in the manner required by law.
(Ord. 1997-1, passed 1-8-97)