(A)   Availability. Available for single-phase residential service, including all lighting, cooking, water heating, refrigeration, residential air conditioning, and all household appliances up to three horsepower in single unit of electric motors.
   (B)   Character of service. Alternating current, 60 cycle, at a voltage of approximately 115 volts two-wire, or 115/230 volts three-wire, where available.
   (C)   Rates.
30 KWH used per month per KWH
30 KWH used per month per KWH
440 KWH used per month per KWH
500 KWH used per month per KWH
Over 1,000 KWH used per month per KWH
Minimum charge per month
   (D)   Adjustments.  
      (1)   Cooking range and water heater service. The charges derived in the above rates are subject to adjustment for cooking range and water heater service. Where a standard approved type of electric water heater of from 30 to 74 gallon capacity is in regular use, and/or a standard approved type of electric cooking range with a maximum load of not more than 3,000 watt hours or greater capacity is in regular use, the following rate is applicable.
Electric water heater of 30 to 74 gallon capacity
Last 400 KWH used in excess of 150 KWH
Electric cooking range with maximum load of 3,000 watt hours or less
Last 200 KWH used in excess of 150 KWH
Both electric water heater and electric cooking range in use   
Last 600 KWH used in excess of 150 KWH
      (2)   Rate adjustment. Refer to Appendix.
      (3)   Fuel cost adjustment. Refer to Appendix.
(Ord. 2010-01, passed 1-5-10)