(a)   Rights of all Persons to Appear and Testify. Any person may appear and testify at a public hearing, either in person or by an authorized agent or attorney, and may submit documentary evidence; provided, however, that the Commission may exclude irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious evidence.
   (b)   Rights of Parties and Proximate Owners. Subject to the discretion of the Commission, the applicant, any board, commission, department, or official of the Village, and any property owner entitled to written notice pursuant to this chapter may be allowed any or all of the following rights:
      (1)   To present witnesses on their behalf.
      (2)   To cross examine witnesses testifying in opposition to their position.
      (3)   To examine and reproduce documents produced at the hearing.
      (4)   To a continuance, on request, for the purpose of preparing evidence to rebut evidence introduced by any other person.
   (c)   Continuation of Hearing. The Commission may adjourn a hearing for a reasonable time and to a fixed date, time, and place for the following purposes: to give further notice, to take further evidence, to gather further information, to deliberate further, or for such other reason as the Commission may find to be sufficient. All Commissioners, parties to the hearing, and other persons designated at the time of continuation shall be notified about the date, time, and place of the adjourned hearing.
   (d)   Sworn Testimony. All testimony at a hearing shall be given under oath or affirmation.
   (e)   Right to Submit Written Statements. Any person may submit written statements in support of or in opposition to the application being heard, at any time prior to the end of a hearing or such additional time allowed by the Commission.
   (f)   Code and Rules to Govern. All other matters pertaining to the conduct of hearings shall be governed by the provisions of this Code pertaining to, and the rules promulgated by, the Commission.
(Ord. 2005-01. Passed 1-10-05.)