(a)   In the event the storage/cargo container is being used other than in relation to private property in regard to which a building permit has been issued, the following limitations shall apply:
      (1)   The initial container permit shall be valid for a fourteen day period.
      (2)   The container permit referenced in paragraph (1) hereof may be renewed for one additional fourteen day period, with said renewal to take place prior to the expiration of the initial container permit.
      (3)   Once a container permit has been issued, no additional container permit may be issued in relation to the same private property for a period of sixty days following the expiration of said container permit or the removal of the storage/cargo container to which said container permit relates, whichever occurs first.
   (b)   In the event the storage/cargo container is being used in relation to private property in regard to which a building permit has been issued, the following limitations shall apply:
      (1)   The initial container permit shall be valid for the duration of the building permit.
      (2)   The container permit may be renewed, but only if the building permit is renewed, with any renewal of the container permit being limited to the duration of the renewed building permit. Any such renewal shall take place prior to the expiration of the initial container permit.
      (3)   Notwithstanding the duration of the container permit, the storage/cargo container must be removed within fifteen days of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the Village relative to the building permit work.
(Ord. 2007-19. Passed 4-23-07.)