The Village may issue a Stop Work Order for any violation of Part Twelve or Part Fourteen of the Village Code. All construction and demolition work, as specified on the Stop Work Order, shall stop immediately until the Village removes the Stop Work Order in whole or in part. In regard to said Stop Work Orders, the following conditions shall apply:
   (a)   For work projects started without a permit, where a permit would otherwise be required, the property owner must either apply for a permit or remove the work in violation.
   (b)   For work projects started with a permit, where the work has exceeded the plan of work authorized by the permit, the property owner must either apply for another permit or remove the work in violation.
   (c)   For work projects started without a permit, where such work is prohibited, the property owner must remove the work and repair any damage caused by the work and restore the site to its prior condition.
(Ord. 2009-23. Passed 10-26-09.)