(a)   Permitted Uses. Inasmuch as most manufacturing uses permitted in the M-1 Limited Manufacturing District will be in proximity to Residential Districts, all activities including all types of manufacturing, business operations, service, or maintenance, shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings, performance standards shall be high and all manufacturing, processing and assembly of materials and products must be carried on in a manner not injurious or offensive to the occupants of adjacent premises by reason of the emission of odors, fumes, gases, dust, smoke, noise, vibrations or fire hazards. No businesses shall be allowed to operate heavy (exceeding fifty-ton pressure) punch presses, drop forges, riveting and grinding machines or any other equipment which may create noise, vibration, smoke, odors, heat, glare noticeable from adjacent, non-M-1 Limited Manufacturing District Zoned properties, or fire hazards. The following uses are permitted in the District:
   Artificial limb manufacture;
   Apparel and other products manufactured from textiles;
   Bicycle manufacture;
   Blueprint and photostating establishments;
   Brooms and brushes manufacture;
   Business and professional offices;
   Cabinet making and custom woodworking;
   Candy manufacture;
   Carpet and rug cleaning;
   Cleaning and dyeing establishments when employing facilities for handling more than one thousand five hundred (1,500) pounds of dry goods per day;
   Drapery and bedding manufacture;
   Drugs and pharmaceutical products manufacture;
   Fur goods manufacture, not including tanning or dyeing;
   Glass products, from previously manufactured glass;
   Heating appliances and sheet metal products manufacture, including stoves and ranges;
   Hosiery manufacture;
   Ice cream and ice manufacture;
   Laboratories, research and testing;
   Lithographing, printing and publishing;
   Machine shops and metal products manufacture;
   Merchandising (wholesale);
   Musical instruments manufacture;
   Pianos and organs manufacture;
   Perfumes and cosmetics manufacture;
   Plastic products manufacture, but not including the processing of the raw materials;
   Post office;
   Printing and publishing;
   Public utility electric substations and distribution centers and gas regulation centers;
   Shoes and boots manufacture;
   Small wireless facilities, as defined and regulated in Chapter 1032;
   Sporting and athletic equipment manufacture;
   Textiles - spinning, weaving, dyeing and printing;
   Tools and hardware manufacture, such as hand tools, bolts, nuts, screws, cutlery, house hardware, locks and plumbing appliances;
   Tool and die shops; and
   Toys and children's vehicles.
   (b)   Height of Buildings. No building or structure shall be erected or structurally altered to exceed a height of three stories or thirty-five feet, except as provided in Section 1286.01.
   (c)   Area of Lot Coverage. The maximum ground area occupied by all buildings or structures shall be not more than sixty percent of the area of the lot or tract on which a building permit has been issued.
   (d)   Front Yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet wherein there shall be no structure of any kind, and no parking of vehicles. Where the established building line is less, the established building line governs the front yard.
   (e)   Side Yards. There shall be a minimum side yard of not less than fifteen feet on both sides of the building or buildings, but where the property is adjacent to an "R" District, there shall be a side yard of not less than twenty-five feet on the side nearest to residential lots. The parking of private automobiles may be permitted within the side yard areas, but not closer than five feet from any lot zoned for residential use.
   (f)   Rear Yard. A rear yard is not required except where a lot abuts upon an "R" District, in which case there shall be a rear yard of not less than thirty feet, and no storage of materials or equipment or parking of automobiles shall take place within the ten feet closest to any residential lot.
   (g)   Outdoor Storage. Outdoor storage is only allowed in the M-1 Limited Manufacturing District. In the M-1 Limited Manufacturing District, outdoor storage areas must be setback at least fifty (50) feet from the property line, and cannot extend beyond the front building line. The outdoor storage area is to be enclosed by a solid fence or wall including solid doors or gates constructed of durable material and no more than eight (8) feet in height.
(Ord. 2016-16. Passed 3-28-16; Ord. 2018-24. Passed 8-13-18.)