§ 154.18 DIVING AREA.
    The diving area for all swimming pools shall conform to the following:
Deck Level*
One Meter
Deck Level*
One Meter
Maximum distance above the water
18 inches
30 inches
39.37 inches
Minimum depth 5 feet from the tip of the diving board
8 feet
8 feet
8 1/2 feet
Distance from the diving wall to the deepest point
10 feet
11 feet
12 feet
Distance from the deep point to the transition point
10 feet
11 feet
12 feet
Minimum overhang
2 1/2 feet
2 1/2 feet
3 feet
Minimum width to the center of the board
7 feet
7 1/2 feet
8 feet
*   For each one inch of decrease of diving board height below 18 inches, the required minimum depth may be decreased one inch.
('69 Code, § 6-111)