(A)   An application for a planned unit development may only be filed by one who has an ownership interest, or the agents thereof; or any contract purchaser or anyone holding an option to purchase the parcel of land on which the use or combination of uses is to be located.
   (B)   Applications for a planned unit development shall be filed with the city administrator in such form and accompanied by such information, with sufficient copies, as shall be established from time to time by the city. Every application shall contain, at a minimum, the following information and related data:
      (1)   The names and addresses of the owner of the subject property.
      (2)   A statement from the owner of the subject property, if not the applicant, approving of the filing of the application by the particular applicant.
      (3)   A survey of, and legal description and street address for the subject property.
      (4)   A statement indicating compliance of the proposed planned unit development with the comprehensive plan; and evidence of the proposed project's compliance in specific detail with each of the "Standards for Review" for planned unit developments.
      (5)   A scaled site plan showing the existing contiguous land uses, natural topographic features, zoning districts, public thoroughfares, transportation and utilities.
      (6)   A scaled site plan of the proposed planned unit development showing lot area, the required yards and setbacks, contour lines, common space, and the location, floor area ratio, lot area coverage and heights of buildings and structures, number of parking spaces and loading areas.
      (7)   Schematic drawings illustrating the design and character of the building elevations, types of construction, and floor plans of all proposed buildings and structures. The drawings shall also include a schedule showing the number, type, and floor area of all uses or combinations of uses, and the floor area of the entire development.
      (8)   A landscaping plan showing the location, size, character and composition of vegetation and other material.
      (9)   The substance of covenants, easements, and other restrictions existing and any to be imposed on the use of land, including common open space, and buildings or structures.
      (10)   A schedule of development showing the approximate date for beginning and completion of each stage of construction of the planned unit development.
      (11)   A professional traffic study acceptable to the city showing the proposed traffic circulation pattern within and in the vicinity of the area of the planned unit development, including the location and description of public improvements to be installed, and any streets and access easements.
      (12)   A professional economic analysis acceptable to the city, including the following:
         (a)   The financial capability of the applicant to complete the proposed planned unit development;
         (b)   Evidence of the project's economic viability; and
         (c)   An analysis summarizing the economic impact the proposed planned unit development will have upon the city.
      (13)   Copies of all environmental impact studies as required by law.
      (13)   An analysis setting forth the anticipated demand on all city services.
      (14)   A plan showing off-site utility improvements required to service the planned unit development, and a report showing the cost allocations and funding sources for those improvements.
      (15)   A site drainage plan for the planned developed.
      (16)   A photometric/lighting plan for the planned unit development.
      (17)   A written summary of residents' comments, pertaining to the proposed application, from any meeting held pursuant to this subchapter.
   (C)   Every application must be accompanied by a fee in such amount as established from time to time by the city council to defray the costs of providing notice and contracting with independent professionals to review applications as required. Such professional costs may include but are not limited to engineering, legal fees, traffic analyses, environmental impact studies, land use, site design, or other similarly related professional studies. Additional materials may be required during the review of a proposed planned unit development if determined necessary by the planning and zoning commission or the city council.
(Ord. O-37-15, passed 10-6-15)