§ 153.71 SPECIAL USES.
   Special uses, as hereinafter enumerated, may be allowed in the R-1 Residence District, subject to the issuance of special use permits in accordance with the provisions of §§ 153.216 through 153.224. The following special uses may be allowed in the R-1 Residence District:
   (A)   Public utility and public service uses.
   (B)   Municipal buildings and uses.
   (C)   Athletic fields and recreational facilities, noncommercial.
   (D)   Hospitals.
   (E)   Schools, nonboarding, nonprofit.
(‘69 Code, App. A,§ 6-3.2; amend. Ord. 45-86, passed 11-18-86; amend. Ord. 11-87, passed 4-21-87; amend. Ord. O-24-17, passed 6-20-17)