§ 153.53 BULK AND SCALE.
   This section establishes lot and building requirements for development in the Harlem Avenue Overlay District. These regulations shall be used in lieu of the height and area regulations for the B District (§§ 153.152 and 153.153) and B-1 District (§§ 153.162 and 153.163).
   (A)   Bulk and scale regulations. Development in the Harlem Avenue Overlay District shall comply with Table 153.53.A.
Table 153.53.A. Bulk and Scale Regulations in the Harlem Avenue Overlay District
Minimum Lot Size
Building Bulk and Scale
Max. Height
Minimum Yards
Front Yard (F)
Corner Side Yard (CS)
Interior Side Yard (IS)
Rear Yard (R)
B Business
5,000 sq. ft.
35' for building s without resident ial use, or 50' when resident ial uses are included as the pre- dominant use in the upper floors
20', unless any structu re on the lot has a height greater than 25', then subject to the regulat ions of 153.53. 2 below
B-1 Restricted Service District
60', measured at the building setback line
10,00 0 sq. ft.
30', unless development includes upper-floor residential, then 40'
30', unless more than 50% of the structures that front Harlem Avenue on the same block have smaller front yard setbac ks, then the average front yard setbac k of such structures
10', unless adjacen t to a single-family residen tial lot, then 20' plus 1' for every additional 1' of building height above 20'
10' or 10% of lot, whichever is less, up to 20'
20', unless any structu re on the lot has a height greater than 25', then subject to the regulations of 153.53. 2 below
   (B)    Reside ntial units permit ted as a compon ent of mixed use develo pment shall confor m to the follow ing minimum unit sizes; 1-bedroom – 950 square feet; 2-bedroom – 1,100 square feet; 3-bedroom – 1,300 square feet.
   (C)   For development that has a building height of 35 feet or greater, structures shall be stepped back in order to create a greater setback as height increases in accordance with the following:
      (1)   No portion of the structure shall be taller than 35 feet within 20 feet of the rear lot line.
      (2 )    Any portion of the structure taller than 35 feet shall be se tback at least 40 feet from the re ar lot line.
(Ord. O-39-15, passed 10-6-15)