The subdivider or his contractors and suppliers shall be responsible that existing improvements and the property of the city are not damaged, or rendered less useful, or unsightly, by the operations of the subdivider or his contractors and suppliers. This provision is intended to include damage or nuisance with respect to the land, improvements, or landscaping of the city; damage to existing streets, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, or parkways, by passage thereover of equipment or trucks, or by excavation, for any purpose; the spillage or tracking of earth, sand, rock, or other material onto existing streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, or parkways; the washing by storm water of earth or sand onto streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters or parkways or into catchbasins; damage to water mains, sanitary sewers, culverts, or storm sewers. To reduce or localize the possibility of damage to streets by heavy trucking, the city engineer shall instruct the subdivider as to the streets to be used for access to the subdivision by equipment and trucks, and the subdivider shall be responsible for enforcement of this instruction upon his contractors and their suppliers. The subdivider shall make provisions to prevent washing of earth or sand onto sidewalks, streets, or curbs and gutters, and into catchbasins by storm water. Where deemed advisable, the city engineer shall have the power to require, either prior to the commencement of construction or after construction is in process, that the subdivider post a surety to guarantee the repair of damages or abatement of nuisance. Where the need for surety becomes apparent after the construction is in process, the city engineer shall have the power to order the construction discontinued until a surety has been posted. Expenses incurred by the city in repairing damages, and cleaning streets, catchbasins, and sewers, shall be deducted from the surety.
('69 Code, App. B, § 10.17)