Acceptance of an improvement for the city shall be only by resolution of the city council upon the recommendation of the city engineer. Recommendation shall be contingent upon:
(A) Fulfillment of the requirements of § 152.113.
(B) An opinion by the city attorney that satisfactory and proper conveyances and dedications have been made by the subdivider to the city.
(C) Improvements being complete and in good repair in accordance with city standards and requirements.
(D) Inspection reports indicating compliance with working drawings and specifications.
(E) A single improvement shall not be accepted in part; it shall be complete throughout the subdivision as indicated in the final plat and working drawings. The subgrade, base course, and surface course of a street, alley, or parking area shall be considered as a single improvement.
(F) Acceptance of an improvement shall constitute release of the applicable portion of the performance bond or of the applicable portion of the balance of the cash deposit covering construction of improvements.
('69 Code, App. B, § 10.15)