All aboveground utilities shall be placed on rear or side property lines. Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, an appropriate easement shall be provided for the watercourse in either an open cut or in an underground conduit, depending upon the density of the development. Where water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, gas mains, telephone lines, power lines, or other utilities are located on or adjacent to property lines, adequate easements together with the right of ingress or egress thereto and therefrom shall be provided and platted. Where utility lines cross public streets they shall be placed underground. Easements shall be not less than 10 feet in width and shall be centered upon the center line of the utility. Where more than one utility is to occupy the easement, the easement shall be of such width as to extend 5 feet on each side beyond the center line of the outermost utilities. Additional width shall be provided where necessary to accommodate utility pole bracing. The plan commission may require evidence of approval by the public utility company of easement width. Where side lot easements occur adjacent to a driveway, there shall be not less than 10 feet clearance between the easement line and the extreme projection of the building structure.
('69 Code, App. B, § 9.3)