(A)   Grades.
      (1)   The finished grade, or elevation heights, shall be determined by the city engineer, in accordance with established and approved master grading plans. If master grading plans are not required for the project sufficient topographical survey information is required to indicate storm water routing to and from the project. The finished grade at building and at each comer of the property shall be indicated on drawings submitted with application for permit. Courses, or means of disposal, of all storm water shall also be indicated on the above drawings.
      (2)   All grade stakes and grade elevations shall be established by a registered land surveyor or professional engineer licensed to practice in Illinois.
      (3)   Upon completion of finish grading the owner shall submit a "Final Grading Plan" to the city engineer for review and acceptance based on previously approved grading plan. No certificate of occupancy will be issued by building department unless such certification is received, unless a delay is granted (not to exceed six months) by the building official, because of weather conditions.
      (4)   The permittee shall pay all engineering costs for setting and checking of grades.
      (5)   Certificate of occupancy shall indicate owner's responsibility for installation, and maintenance of finish grades and landscaping in accordance with subdivision regulations.
   (B)   Backfilling. 
      (1)   Material used shall be clean and free from decay, wood scraps, large boulders, large pieces of concrete or stone, frozen clumps, or other deleterious substances.
      (2)   No backfill shall be placed against concrete foundation walls before waterproofing methods have been installed.
      (3)   Backfill shall be placed carefully against walls and shall be well compacted. When backfilling before the first floor construction is in place, care shall be exercised in operation of heavy equipment near wall. Brace wall if necessary.
      (4)   Protect all sewers, water lines and other underground work when placing backfill or when grading.
   (C)   Grading or drainage. Grading or drainage, or both shall be performed so that water will drain away from the building on all sides and off the lot in a manner which will provide reasonable freedom from erosion and pocketed surface water. Construction of impermeable surfaces such as walks, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other flat work shall have the finished grade a minimum of six-inches below the top of the foundation wall.
   (D)   Finish grade and top soil. After rough grading to a minimum of six-inches below anticipated finished grade, the builder and/or developer shall bring the grades of the property (excluding areas covered with permanent structures) up to established finish grades with black earth or topsoil. Such topsoil shall be a minimum of six-inches deep, and shall be suitable for planting lawns by seed or sod, after proper preparation by homeowner.
   (E)   Single-family properties.
      (1)   The property owner of each and every developed lot or parcel shall landscape all areas of the property (including public right-of-ways) not improved by the buildings, structures, parking or access ways.
      (2)   All lots or parcels shall be required to sod the front and side yards of each dwelling unit. Rear yards may be sodded, seeded or hydro seeded. All landscaping and plantings will be accomplished, within one year, after being issued a certificate of occupancy by the city.
      (3)   All lots or parcels not seeded or sodded, regardless of the date of occupancy must conform to the requirements of this section upon notification by the city.
   (F)   Perimeter landscaping. Perimeter landscaping shall be required for all developments, other than single-family detached and duplex residential development, in accordance with the following. Plans for perimeter landscaping shall be included in the submittal to the building department for the entire development.
      (1)   Non-residential adjacent to residential. Where a non-residential property is adjacent to a residential property a 30-foot wide landscape buffer shall be provided. The landscape buffer shall consist of a berm or, architectural masonry wall, at least three feet in height as measured from the property line. The landscape buffer shall also consist of two shade trees, five evergreen trees and three ornamental trees per 100 lineal feet of landscape buffer.
      (2)   Non-residential adjacent to a public right-of-way. Where a non-residential property is adjacent to a public right-of-way, a landscape buffer shall be provided and shall be the width of the required parking lot setbacks or 30 feet whichever is lesser. The landscape buffer shall consist of one shade tree, one evergreen tree and 33 shrubs per 100 lineal feet.
      (3)   Multi-family residential adjacent to sing1e family detached and duplex residential. Where multi-family, residential property is adjacent to single family detached or duplex residential a 30-foot landscape buffer shall be provided. The landscape buffer shall consist of three shade trees, three evergreen trees and two ornamental trees per 100 lineal feet of landscape buffer.
   (G)   Parking Lot Landscaping. All parking lots with 10 or more parking spaces shall provide landscaping In accordance with the following:
      (1)   Interior Parking Lot Landscaping.
         (a)   One tree shall be provided for every 20 parking spaces and shall be planted within the interior of the parking lot. Trees shall be located in landscape medians, which have a minimum of 190 square feet and a minimum dimension of 10 feet. The landscape median shall be covered with shrubs, ground cover, turf or organic mulch.
         (b)   To ensure proper visibility within the parking lot, the branches of trees shall be no less than six feet above the pavement and shrubs shall be maintained at a height of no greater than 30 inches above the pavement.
   (H)   Landscape buffer plans. Landscaping plans shall include the following information at a minimum. Plans shall be submitted to the building department for review and approval prior to installation of landscaping.
      (1)   The current zoning and land use for adjoining properties and properties located across abutting streets.
      (2)   The location, quantity, size and type (both common and botanical names) of all existing landscaping to be preserved and proposed landscaping to be installed.
      (3)   The location and contours, at one-foot intervals, of all proposed berming and storm water detention/retention ponds.
      (4)   Specification of the type and boundaries of all proposed ground cover.
      (5)   Elevation, location and type of all existing and proposed fences.
      (6)   Location of all existing and proposed utilities and easements.
      (7)   Property line dimensions.
   (I)   Plants.
      (1)   All plants shall be planted in accordance with minimum standards established by the American Association of Nurserymen. Plant material shall be obtained from nurseries in the region, disease free and native to the region.
      (2)   The following plantings will not be permitted within the city's corporate limits:
         (a)   Cottonwood.
         (b)   Willow.
         (c)   Ginkgo (female plants).
      (3)   All other plantings are to be submitted on the landscaping plan for review and approval.
      (4)   Plant material shall conform to the following minimum sizes:
         (a)   Shade Tree - 2-Ya cal. measured at 6 inches above finished grade.
         (b)   Evergreen Tree - 8 feet in height.
         (c)   Ornamental Tree - 6 feet in height.
         (d)   Shrubs - 24 inches.
(Ord. O-52-03, passed 11-4-03)