No certificate of occupancy for any building or structure erected, altered, or repaired in the city shall be issued unless the building or structure was erected, altered, or repaired in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Under certain circumstances, as determined by the Building Commissioner, a temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued for a period not to exceed six months if conditions prohibit the total completion of the project. Applicant must re-apply for another temporary occupancy permit if work is not completed within six months. The temporary certificate of occupancy would generally be issued for incomplete exterior items when weather prohibits completion. In the event a temporary certificate is issued, be it known that, all security, landscape and damage and nuisance bonds, as well as escrow accounts, would not be refunded until such time as all items listed on the certificate have been completed to the satisfaction of the Building Commissioner, City Engineer and the Director of Public Works. At such time a certificate of occupancy shall be issued, and all refundable monies shall be processed.
('69 Code, § 6-9; amend. Ord. O-37-06, passed 9-19-06)